Can You Spell Cannon Fodder? Can You Spell Cannon Fodder?
The New York City public school system doesn't have the money, time or organizational skills to make sure every child has a dictionary--or a desk.
Oct 24, 2002 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Rockin’ in the Free World Rockin’ in the Free World
In a weapons producing nation under Jesus In the fabled crucible of the free world Camera crews search for clues amid the detritus And entertainment shapes the land
Oct 24, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman
The Fight for the Senate The Fight for the Senate
The man behind the "Jeffords Jump" is aiding Democratic efforts to stay on top.
Oct 24, 2002 / Feature / John Nichols
Rewarding Dissent Rewarding Dissent
Democrat Paul Wellstone, the only vulnerable incumbent senator to vote against blank-check authorization to use force against Iraq, is locked in one of the year's closest Senat...
Oct 24, 2002 / Feature / John Nichols
Labor Plays Its Hand Labor Plays Its Hand
Unions have improved their political game but are unhappy with the results.
Oct 24, 2002 / Feature / David Moberg
Counterforce in NY Counterforce in NY
It's Friday afternoon in early October at the Working Families Party's shabby but bustling headquarters in downtown Brooklyn, and no one is going home early.
Oct 24, 2002 / Feature / Micah L. Sifry
Plenty of Nothing in New York Plenty of Nothing in New York
Governor Pataki's effective Gary Cooper imitation leaves Democrats in despair.
Oct 24, 2002 / Feature / Jack Newfield
Hawks at the Washington Post Hawks at the Washington Post
The house organ for America's political class is pushing Bush's case for war.
Oct 24, 2002 / Feature / Michael Massing
More Bitter Fruit More Bitter Fruit
Six years ago, in 1996, the government of Guatemala and the guerrilla groups it had fought bitterly for thirty-six years signed an ambitious set of peace accords.
Oct 24, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Peter Canby
Schröder’s Kulturkampf Schröder’s Kulturkampf
Coming as it did in the final weeks of a precarious re-election campaign, incumbent German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's resolute "No" to German participation in any US-le...
Oct 24, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Hugh Eakin