Truth on Iraq Seeps Through Truth on Iraq Seeps Through
In a speech intended to frighten the American people into supporting a war, the President Monday again trotted out his grim depiction of Saddam Hussein as a terrifying boogeyman ...
Oct 8, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
ActNow! Launches ActNow! Launches
ActNow is aimed at helping people act on their beliefs. We hope to put readers in touch with projects and campaigns they may want to support as we feature creative ways for peopl...
Oct 8, 2002 / Peter Rothberg
Byrd Chastises White House, Democrats Byrd Chastises White House, Democrats
Even though he is unlikely to succeed in preventing a Congressional grant of blank-check warmaking powers to the Bush administration, Senator Robert Byrd, D-West Virginia, has don...
Oct 7, 2002 / John Nichols
Protesting Capitalism on Wall St. Protesting Capitalism on Wall St.
On October 4 Ralph Nader's "Take it to The Street" campaign staged a rally on Wall Street against corporate corruption.
Oct 7, 2002 / Feature / Lisa Weinert and Emilie Goodhart
Now, It’s Gephardt’s War, Too Now, It’s Gephardt’s War, Too
I wonder how Barbra Streisand feels. On September 29, at the fancy Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, she headlined a $6 million fundraiser for the Democ...
Oct 3, 2002 / David Corn
The Sun Can’t Set on This Empire Too Soon The Sun Can’t Set on This Empire Too Soon
It sure smells like imperialism. That's the word historians use when powerful nations grab control of desired resources, be it the gold of the New World or the oil of the Middle ...
Oct 3, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Guns, No Butter Guns, No Butter
Democrats have rightly gone ballistic over the cynical White House efforts to use Iraq to change the subject of the fall elections.
Oct 3, 2002 / The Editors
After Torricelli After Torricelli
Democrats in Washington and New Jersey sighed with relief when scandal-plagued Senator Robert Torricelli ended a doomed run for a second term.
Oct 3, 2002 / John Nichols
Blair, the Go-Between Blair, the Go-Between
When Tony Blair rose to address a packed House of Commons on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, Albert Finney had just won an Emmy for his performance as Winston Chu...
Oct 3, 2002 / Maria Margaronis