Mainstreaming the Antiwar Movement? Mainstreaming the Antiwar Movement?
It was at the time of the October 26 antiwar rally in Washington--where tens of thousands of demonstrators heard speakers oppose war against Iraq and
Dec 10, 2002 / David Corn
What if the Hunt for ‘Evildoers’ Aimed at Us? What if the Hunt for ‘Evildoers’ Aimed at Us?
The negative response from the Bush Administration to the UN inspections in Iraq could be dismissed as childish pique were it not so telling an evocation of the image of the Ugly...
Dec 10, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Microwaves, the ‘Underinsured’ & Drug Companies Microwaves, the ‘Underinsured’ & Drug Companies
Dr. Marc answers readers' question every other week. To send a query, click here.
Dec 10, 2002 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
A Democrat Wins by Running Against Bush A Democrat Wins by Running Against Bush
"The light has shown that the Democratic Party is alive and well and united,"Louisiana U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu shouted over the weekend, as she celebratedher victory in the last S...
Dec 9, 2002 / John Nichols
Winning Without War Winning Without War
President Bush has agreed that war with Iraq should be the very last resort. But, as weapons inspectors move into high-gear, senior members of the White House seem off-message in ...
Dec 8, 2002 / Peter Rothberg
The Kissinger Deceit The Kissinger Deceit
Henry Kissinger, who coddled state-sponsored terrorists, has been put in charge of the September 11 terrorism investigation. A proven liar has been assigned the task of finding...
Dec 5, 2002 / The Editors
The US Caged–For Now The US Caged–For Now
Alfred Hitchcock was fond of McGuffins--meaningless plot devices on which the characters obsess while the real, gruesome story moves on elsewhere.
Dec 5, 2002 / Ian Williams
Censorship 101 Censorship 101
Annals of Higher Education: If recent events at Stanford and Harvard are any indication, the past decade's earnest debates over "political correctness" are over, replaced by ro...
Dec 5, 2002 / Bruce Shapiro
Prize for Dolores Huerta Prize for Dolores Huerta
Dolores Huerta flouts the smug conventional wisdom that the 1960s are behind us. She won't settle down and become an anachronism.
Dec 5, 2002 / Tom Hayden