Letters Letters
LE PEN IN FRANCE... San Francisco Far-right populist Jean-Marie Le Pen's upset in the first round of French presidential voting was variously ascribed to r...
Sep 11, 2002 / Our Readers
Letters Letters
A LAUGH, A CRY... Pittsboro, NC To Tony Kushner: Thank you so much for your words, for the heart and soul behind them, for your humor and for bringing tears...
Sep 11, 2002 / Our Readers
The Terrorism Trap The Terrorism Trap
The war on terrorism was a linchpin of Bill Clinton's foreign policy rhetoric during his re-election campaign, and at his first post-election press conference the President has...
Sep 11, 2002 / Feature / Richard J. Barnett
Talks With Osama bin Laden Talks With Osama bin Laden
The last time I saw Osama bin Laden was in a tent on a mountaintop camp in Afghanistan last year.
Sep 11, 2002 / Feature / Robert Fisk
A Cancer Grows A Cancer Grows
Medical treatment in women's prisons ranges from brutal to nonexistent.
Sep 11, 2002 / Feature / Cynthia Cooper
The Coup That Wasn’t The Coup That Wasn’t
During the two-day opera buffa that was the on-again, off-again military coup against Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice played a ...
Sep 11, 2002 / Marc Cooper
Other Topics Other Topics
Other Topics FINKELSTEIN REBUTS NEUBORNE Chicago In response to advertisements in The Nation for my book The Holocaust Industry, you took the un...
Sep 11, 2002 / Our Readers
The Liberal Riposte The Liberal Riposte
Liberal groups are also concentrating on influencing the next generation of legal scholars.
CNN Rushes Rush* CNN Rushes Rush*
I probably should listen to Rush Limbaugh, but I don't. The way I figure it, I did my time while researching my book Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot.
Sep 11, 2002 / Al Franken
Reformer From Goldman Sachs Reformer From Goldman Sachs
Senator Corzine speaks from knowledge when he calls for regulatory reform.
Sep 11, 2002 / Feature / William Greider