In Fact… In Fact…
STUDS'S KIND OF TOWN We join the city of Chicago in congratulating our friend and colleague Studs Terkel on his ninetieth birthday. By mayoral proclamation, May 16 was Studs Terk...
May 23, 2002 / The Editors
September 11 Questions September 11 Questions
George W. Bush, it is true, did not create the FBI's smug, insular, muscle-bound bureaucracy or the CIA's well-known penchant for loopy spy tips and wrongheaded geopolitical analy...
May 23, 2002 / The Editors
Yaqui Way of Knowledge Yaqui Way of Knowledge
Although Chicano identity has been Luis Valdez's theme since all but the earliest years of El Teatro Campesino, the guerrilla theater he founded in the 1960s, getting a clear sens...
May 23, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Hal Gelb
The Evolution of Darwinism The Evolution of Darwinism
Popular perception notwithstanding, the theory of natural selection was accepted by every serious evolutionist long before Darwin. Earlier scientists interpreted it as the cleares...
May 23, 2002 / Books & the Arts / David Hawkes
Knowledge (and Power) Knowledge (and Power)
For Senator Clinton to flourish a copy of the New York Post--the paper that has called her pretty much everything from Satanic to Sapphist--merely because it had the pungent headli...
May 23, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Justice Can’t Be Done in Secret Justice Can’t Be Done in Secret
Why public and press have a right to witness military tribunal proceedings.
May 23, 2002 / Feature / Edward J. Klaris
Sleepless in Nightmute Sleepless in Nightmute
You may recall Insomnia as a Norwegian film made on a modest budget--do I repeat myself?--about the inner life of a morally compromised police detective. The picture enjoyed a sma...
May 23, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Malign Neglect Malign Neglect
Children in New York City's public schools are being shortchanged--again.
May 23, 2002 / Feature / Jonathan Kozol
The Israel Lobby The Israel Lobby
On May 2 the Senate, in a vote of 94 to 2, and the House, 352 to 21, expressed unqualified support for Israel in its recent military actions against the Palestinians. The resol...
May 23, 2002 / Michael Massing
McKinney Redux McKinney Redux
During the long months of post-September 11 presidential invincibility, no member of Congress climbed further out on the what-did-Bush-know-when limb than Representative Cynthia M...
May 23, 2002 / John Nichols