The Right Welfare Reform The Right Welfare Reform
It was bad enough that the Bush Administration co-opted the Children's Defense Fund slogan "Leave No Child Behind." Then the most famous former board member of CDF, Hillary Rodham...
Jul 3, 2002 / Ruth Conniff
Political Cross-Dressing Political Cross-Dressing
SEC chairman Harvey Pitt lurches from lapdog to bulldog, threatening CEOs with jail time if their corporate reports mislead. George Bush demands "top floor" accountability. Republ...
Jul 3, 2002 / The Editors
Citizen Jane Citizen Jane
A half-century ago T.H. Marshall, British Labour Party social theorist, offered a progressive, developmental theory for understanding the history of what we have come to call citi...
Jul 3, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Linda Gordon
Screen Rage Screen Rage
One of the most persistent myths in the culture wars today is that social science has proven "media violence" to cause adverse effects. The debate is over; the evidence is over...
Jul 3, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Marjorie Heins
Tinkering With the Death Machine Tinkering With the Death Machine
The essential case for the abolition of capital punishment has long been complete, whether it is argued as an overdue penal reform, as a shield against the arbitrary and the irrepa...
Jul 3, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
1776 and All That 1776 and All That
The country is riven and ailing, with a guns-plus-butter nuttiness in some of its governing echelons and the sort of lapsed logic implicit in the collapse of trust in money-center...
Jul 3, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Edward Hoagland
Future Shock Future Shock
In Steven Spielberg's latest picture, a skinheaded psychic named Agatha keeps challenging Tom Cruise with the words, "Can you see?" The question answers itself: Cruise sees in ...
Jul 3, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
The Radical Right After 9/11 The Radical Right After 9/11
The attacks hardened the resolve of immigrant bashers and anti-Semites.
Jul 3, 2002 / Feature / Daniel Levitas