In Fact… In Fact…
BAN THE CLUSTER BOMB Caleb Rossiter reports: The coalition of anti-landmine advocates who helped win the 1997 treaty banning the devices, which has been signed by more t...
Jun 13, 2002 / The Editors
A Word to Graduates: Organize! A Word to Graduates: Organize!
It's boring but do it, says the playwright. Otherwise, you allow evil to settle in.
Jun 13, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Tony Kushner
Birthday Poem Birthday Poem
Hot, rained-on, packed-down straw, strewn then abandoned between the rows of eggplant, tomato plants, onion, and herbs catches the evening's last September gnats in pale mats and ...
Jun 13, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Lynne McMahon
It’s Payback Time It’s Payback Time
Labor-backed politicians are being asked to return the favor in union fights.
Jun 13, 2002 / Feature / David Moberg
Advice and Consent Advice and Consent
Senator Russ Feingold had hoped the Senate Democratic leadership would challenge George W. Bush's decision to withdraw the United States from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. At...
Jun 13, 2002 / John Nichols
Globalizing Clinical Research Globalizing Clinical Research
Big Pharma tries out First World drugs on unsuspecting Third World patients.
Jun 13, 2002 / Feature / Sonia Shah
Backbeat in China Backbeat in China
A hundred days ago Wu'er Kaixi was a fugitive.... Yesterday, before an audience of 800 Americans and Chinese at Brandeis University, he showed what brought a 21-year-old Beijing N...
Jun 13, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Jeffrey Wasserstrom
A Whole Earth Catalogue A Whole Earth Catalogue
In the United States a deeply rooted bias toward the practical renders all knowledge, even the most sublime forms of wisdom, merely an instrumental good. This pragmatic streak ten...
Jun 13, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Eric Zencey
The Morass in the Middle East The Morass in the Middle East
The Morass in the Middle East Shreveport, La. Thanks to Richard Falk and The Nation for daring to defy the party line in the American media when it comes to Middl...
Jun 13, 2002 / Richard Falk and Our Readers
Arafat, by Feeding on Martyrdom, Dooms His People Arafat, by Feeding on Martyrdom, Dooms His People
Yasser Arafat should step aside.
Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer