
Grabitization (Don’t Look) Grabitization (Don’t Look)

Almost everything that is wrong with Washington Post foreign editor David Hoffman's new book about Russia's transformation into a capitalist system, The Oligarchs, can be discerne...

May 23, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Matt Taibbi

As the Press Turns As the Press Turns

Quick, pinch me--am I still living in the same country? Reading and watching the same media? This "Bob Woodward" fellow who co-wrote a tough piece in the May 18 Washington Post...

May 23, 2002 / Michael Tomasky

Dick Cheney’s Primer on the Constitution Dick Cheney’s Primer on the Constitution

So what's it called if during war you criticize the President for any reason? Treason. And how long does this war go on (and this is where this theory's really pretty clever)? ...

May 23, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

In Cold Type In Cold Type

haven't done much mental spring cleaning because so much of the last month has been taken up with brooding and spewing about the crisis in the Middle East; no doubt the coming mon...

May 23, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Amy Wilentz

Letters Letters

TORTURE 'OFF THE BOOKS'? Cambridge, Mass. William Schulz, in his respectful but selectively critical review of "less than two of [Shouting Fire]'s 550 page...

May 23, 2002 / Eric Alterman, William F. Schulz, and Our Readers

What Are They Reading? What Are They Reading?


May 23, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Gene Santoro

The 9/11 Warning Game–Blame for Bush and Many Others The 9/11 Warning Game–Blame for Bush and Many Others

The question is not the 1970s cliché, What did the President know and when did he know it? The appropriate query is, What did US intelligence know-and what ...

May 23, 2002 / David Corn

Corporate Welfare at its Worst Corporate Welfare at its Worst

The United States has a $6 trillion national debt, a growing deficit and is borrowing money from the Social Security Trust Fund in order to fund government services.We can no lon...

May 22, 2002 / Feature / Sen. Bernie Sanders

Cynthia McKinney and the ‘What Bush Knew’ Debate Cynthia McKinney and the ‘What Bush Knew’ Debate

In April, U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., got in a whole heap of trouble after she called for a thorough investigation of what George W. Bush knew before September 11 about the...

May 19, 2002 / John Nichols

The ‘Talibanization’ of Bangladesh The ‘Talibanization’ of Bangladesh

"I stand before you all today with a heavy heart to tell the tales of the endless raging minority cleansing campaign," declared Dwijen Bhattacharjya at the International Conferenc...

May 18, 2002 / Feature / Ruth Baldwin
