Egyptian Justice, US-Style Egyptian Justice, US-Style
Once roundly condemned for his use of using military courts for civilian crimes, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is now in good company now that the US and the UK have adopted sim...
Jan 3, 2002 / Feature / Steve Negus
Enron Is a Cancer on the Presidency Enron Is a Cancer on the Presidency
Enron's Ken Lay is no stranger to not only the Bush family, but the Bush administration. Finally, reporters are starting to take notice and ask questions.
Jan 2, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Forever Forever
for Donald Revell Even Death won't hide the poor fugitive forever; on Doomsday he will learn he must live forever. Is that nectar the cry of the desert prophets? See angels pour the Word through a sieve forever. On the gibbet Hallaj cried I Am the Truth. In this universe one dies a plaintive forever. When parents fall in love with those blond assassins, their children sign up for Western Civ forever. With a brief note he quit the Dead Letter Office-- O World, they've lost Bartleby's missive forever. Am I some Sinai, Moses, for lightning to char? See me solarized, in negative forever. In the heart's wild space lies the space of wilderness. What won't one lose, what home one won't give forever! A perfect stranger, he greeted herself in joy-- Not to be Tom, how lovely--she said--I'm Viv forever! Jamshed, inventor of wine, saw the world in his cup. Drink, cried his courtiers, for he won't live forever. He lives by his wits, wears blue all day, stars all night. Who would have guessed God would be a spiv forever? Will the Enemy smile as I pass him on the street? I'm still searching for someone to forgive forever. As landscapes rise like smoke from their eyes, the blind hear God swear by the fig and the olive forever. The Hangman washes his hands, puts his son to sleep. But for whom, come dawn, he's decisive forever? Alone in His Cave--His Dance done--He's smeared with ash. The Ganges flows from the head of Shiv forever. You've forgiven everyone, Shahid, even God-- Then how could someone like you not live forever?
Dec 20, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Agha Shahid Ali
Idiocy Watch: The New Republic Idiocy Watch: The New Republic
The New Republic strains credibility with its 'Idiocy Watch'—it might want to keep itself in its sights.
Dec 20, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman
AIDS: Another World War AIDS: Another World War
The war on terror is threatening to overshadow a far more deadly threat—the AIDS epidemic.
Dec 20, 2001 / Salih Booker
Something Old, Something New Something Old, Something New
Media policy need to change in the digital ageābut how?
Dec 20, 2001 / Feature / Jeffrey Chester and Gary O. Larson
You Mean, We Won Something? You Mean, We Won Something?
With developments in the Mumia Abu-Jamal case and Pacifica's re-emergence, the left has a couple of victories under its belt; the Enron scandal develops further.
Dec 20, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Dems Pray for DeLay Dems Pray for DeLay
Republican majority leader Dick Armey announced that he will retire from Congress, and Democrats are hoping that Tom DeLay will replace him.
Dec 20, 2001 / David Corn
Age of Innocence Age of Innocence
Norman Rockwell's ouevre is deceptively simple—the self-proclaimed 'illustrator' had more depth than he's credited for.
Dec 20, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Arthur C. Danto
Food Fight Food Fight
Organic farming critic Dennis Avery is supported by generous contributions from several chemical companies, all of whom profit from the sale of products prohibited in organic produ...
Dec 20, 2001 / Feature / Mark Dowie