
These Messes Are What Deregulation Gets Us These Messes Are What Deregulation Gets Us

We do need government regulation—not to build socialism but to save capitalism.

Dec 26, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer

Let the Whitewash Begin Let the Whitewash Begin

If the absence of soldiers seizing cable networks is the ultimate standard of meaningful democratic empowerment, we're not doing half bad.

Dec 22, 2000 / Column / Eric Alterman

Let’s Get Our Show on the Road! Let’s Get Our Show on the Road!

Bush v. Gore is a fitting start to the next four deranged years.

Dec 22, 2000 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Memorial Day Powell 1991

Questions for Powell Questions for Powell

Secretary of State-designate Colin Powell needs to explain his participation in several sordid episodes of the United States' past.

Dec 22, 2000 / David Corn

Executioners’ Swan Song Executioners’ Swan Song

Capital punishment will be one of the defining issues of the coming year.

Dec 22, 2000 / The Editors

The Living Thought of Military Dictatorships The Living Thought of Military Dictatorships

We're sorry, but we do not have permission to present this article on our website. It is an excerpt from Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World (Metropolitan). © 2000 by Eduardo Galeano. Translation © 2000 by Mark Fried.  

Dec 22, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Eduardo Galeano

Clinton Follows the Money Clinton Follows the Money

Bill Clinton is moving to install Terry McAuliffe as the head of the DNC, a cynical move in this day of pay-to-play politics.

Dec 22, 2000 / William Greider

Thou Shalt Not Kill Thou Shalt Not Kill

Christians are drifting away in their support of the death penalty.

Dec 22, 2000 / Feature / Marion Gross

The Nation Indicators The Nation Indicators

We're sorry, but Doug Henwood's enlightening charts and graphs can be seen only in our print edition, as it is not technically feasible at this time to post them on our website.  

Dec 22, 2000 / Doug Henwood

In Fact… In Fact…

PROGRESSIVES FRISK IN FRISCO Tom Gallagher writes: They don't make routs much bigger than the one San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and allies experienced on December 12. After the runoffs of the city's first district Board of Supervisors elections since the days of Harvey Milk and Dan White, Brown-backed candidates had lost nine of eleven seats to an insurgency built to a considerable extent on Tom Ammiano's remarkable 1999 write-in mayoral campaign and fueled by the widespread perception of a city for sale. While deputy public defender Matt Gonzalez increased his 44-to-28 percent preliminary edge to 66-to-34--despite switching from Democrat to Green in the interim--none of Brown's runoff candidates reached even 52 percent (one drew only 19 percent) despite an overwhelming soft-money advantage.   DEATH ROW SURVIVORS Scattered through the text of Robert Sherrill's article in this issue are photographs of eight former Illinois death-row prisoners taken by Loren Santow, a Chicago-based, widely published freelance photographer. The photos of men wrongly condemned to death were taken for a poster conceived by Rob Warden, a writer and activist, to publicize the errors endemic to the system. Before the present moratorium and since the restoration of capital punishment in Illinois, twelve prisoners have been executed, and thirteen freed because of innocence or lack of evidence. See Death Row Roll Call on the Nation website ( for a list of inmates awaiting execution and links to register a protest.   NATION NOTES We congratulate the following friends who were awarded the National Humanities Medal: Toni Morrison, editorial board member; Barbara Kingsolver, Nation cruise panelist; and Earl Shorris, contributor and founder of classics courses for the poor. And National Medal of the Arts winner Benny Carter, reader.

Dec 22, 2000 / The Editors
