Fusion Biopolitics Fusion Biopolitics
In the next few weeks the Senate will hold hearings and vote on legislation that would outlaw the cloning of human embryos, either for the purpose of medical experimentation or t...
Jan 31, 2002 / Jeremy Rifkin
Shall We Leave It to the Experts? Shall We Leave It to the Experts?
Enron's power project in India demonstrates who benefits from globalization.
Jan 31, 2002 / Feature / Arundhati Roy
Enron Hearings Enron Hearings
(With apologies to Stephen Foster) The Enron hearings stretch ahead, Doo-dah, doo-dah, Until the final soundbite's said. Oh, doo-dah day. Pols will posture night...
Jan 31, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Politically Incorrect Politically Incorrect
Jan 31, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener
Letters Letters
ABOUT THAT AD... In light of Norman Finkelstein's effort to peddle his vituperative book by taking out advertisements in The Nation [see page 17] calling me a liar, I ha...
Jan 31, 2002 / Burt Neuborne
Something Old, Something New Something Old, Something New
To the January ritual of reflecting on the old year and looking to the new, add the "top five" list of various 2001 nuclear events put together by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundatio...
Jan 31, 2002 / Feature / Matt Bivens
Kissinger’s Green Light to Suharto Kissinger’s Green Light to Suharto
In a few weeks, East Timor will be able to celebrate both its independence as a country and its status as a democracy. Elections will have produced a government able to seek and re...
Jan 31, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Bush and Andersen’s Texas Two-Step Bush and Andersen’s Texas Two-Step
George W. Bush must be feeling an acute sense of déjà vu these days, as the dubious dealings of the accounting firm Arthur Andersen, LLP take center stage in the En...
Jan 30, 2002 / Feature / Chris Floyd
What’s This About “Accountability.” What’s This About “Accountability.”
George W. Bush could not bring himself to mention the name "Enron" inhis State of the Union address. But no one doubted that, when thepresident spoke of the need for greater corpo...
Jan 30, 2002 / John Nichols