Kabul’s Health Apartheid Kabul’s Health Apartheid
On September 6, Afghanistan's Taliban extremists ordered all hospitals in the capital city of Kabul to partly or completely suspend medical services to women.
Oct 4, 2001 / Max Block
Kabul’s Patriarchy With Guns Kabul’s Patriarchy With Guns
The capture by Taliban guerrillas of the Afghan capital, Kabul, however short- or long-lived, has come after two years of one of the most obnoxious interventions by one state in t...
Oct 4, 2001 / Feature / Fred Halliday
The Complex Fate of the Jewish-American Writer The Complex Fate of the Jewish-American Writer
The conflict between Roth and Howe was partly temperamental, but some of it was generational.
Oct 4, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Morris Dickstein
The Complex Fate of the Jewish-American Writer The Complex Fate of the Jewish-American Writer
As early as the 1960s, influential critics argued that American Jewish writing no longer counted as a distinct or viable literary project, for younger Jews had grown so ass...
Oct 4, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Morris Dickstein
Nation Notes Nation Notes
Arundhati Roy, author of The God of Small Things, whose essay deploring India's decision to test atomic weapons appeared in The Nation ("The End of Imagination," September 28, 19...
Oct 4, 2001 / The Editors
Hitting Terrorism’s Roots Hitting Terrorism’s Roots
While the Bush Administration continues to build an international coalition it hopes will allow it to strike back effectively at those responsible for the September 11 attacks, ...
Oct 4, 2001 / The Editors
A Peaceful Justice? A Peaceful Justice?
"We need to make it very clear," said one veteran activist at a recent meeting of a nascent New York City antiwar coalition, "that we want to punish the criminals." She meant, of ...
Oct 4, 2001 / Feature / Liza Featherstone
Blaming bin Laden First Blaming bin Laden First
Just once more, and then we'll really have to get on with more pressing business. I could subscribe myself at any time to any of the following statements: § A...
Oct 4, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Signs of the Times Signs of the Times
Protests against symbols of capitalism find themselves in a transformed landscape.
Oct 4, 2001 / Feature / Naomi Klein
Press Watch Press Watch
Of all the programs I've seen on Afghanistan, not one was more chilling than Beneath the Veil, an hourlong documentary that has appeared frequently on CNN. Its narrator, Saira ...
Oct 4, 2001 / Michael Massing