Aren’t We Happy Yet? Aren’t We Happy Yet?
There was a short note in the New York Times a few months ago reporting that Governor Jeb Bush wept while speaking to the Southern Regional Conference of the National Baptist Con...
Jul 27, 2001 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Audacity on Trial Audacity on Trial
Talking union still amounts to a punishable offense in parts of the Old South.
Jul 27, 2001 / Feature / JoAnn Wypijewski
Violence in Genoa Violence in Genoa
Violence in Genoa Demonstrations at the recent G-8 summit in Genoa resulted in
Jul 26, 2001 / Nicholas Jackson, Andrea Pertosa, Alex Crowley, Faith Hareldson, Troy Davis, Rob Miller, and Louise C. Hensleigh
The Battle of Genoa The Battle of Genoa
Organizers of the anti-G8 protest in Genoa say that 200,000 people came from all over Italy and Europe to join the mammoth demonstration yesterday.
Jul 21, 2001 / Feature / Walden Bello
Plan Colombia Broadens Plan Colombia Broadens
These days, the buzz on Capitol Hill seems loudest about Gary Condit.
Jul 17, 2001 / Feature / Jason Vest
Virtual Pinocchio Virtual Pinocchio
Why did Steven Spielberg and Stanley Kubrick want Spielberg to direct Kubrick's A.I., the fable of a robot who wants a human mother's love? Imagine the personals ad Kubrick might ...
Jul 12, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Tim Appelo
Letter From Palestine Letter From Palestine
The mood in the occupied territories is one of growing rage and despair.
Jul 12, 2001 / Feature / Roane Carey
Scalia’s Kind of Privacy Scalia’s Kind of Privacy
One of the most surprising decisions of the Supreme Court term just concluded was Justice Antonin Scalia's ruling in favor of a criminal defendant who claimed that a thermal imagi...
Jul 12, 2001 / David Cole
Pinochet’s Charade Pinochet’s Charade
Augusto Pinochet entered political life in 1973 by destroying the rule of law. Now, twenty-eight years later, thanks to a decision by a Chilean appeals court, he exits the public ...
Jul 12, 2001 / Marc Cooper