Drawing for Projection Drawing for Projection
In a famous sequence of photographs, Henri Matisse documented, over the course of six months in 1935, twenty-two states of his evolving Large Reclining Nude. On impulse, I recentl...
Jun 28, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Arthur C. Danto
Defining John Kerry Defining John Kerry
"Do you consider yourself a liberal?"
Jun 28, 2001 / Feature / David Corn
A Fellow Traveling A Fellow Traveling
Ron Radosh seems an easy target, so easy that a toy pistol (or automatic writing) should be weaponry enough--and no need to bother Nation readers, keen folks that we are, with a d...
Jun 28, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Martin Duberman
Friends at Court Friends at Court
The Supreme Court, in the final week of June, handed down three decisions, each of which seems to endorse a valuable social principle. In the first, involving the right...
Jun 28, 2001 / The Editors
The Berenson Verdict The Berenson Verdict
Last August, amid the final throes of President Alberto Fujimori's scandal-ridden administration in Peru, he bowed to US pressure and announced that Lori Berenson's conviction by ...
Jun 28, 2001 / The Editors
Making Waves Making Waves
Thomas Jefferson was not anticipating a summer holiday when he told Lafayette that "the boisterous sea of liberty indeed is never without a wave." In Philadelphia, where Jefferson...
Jun 28, 2001 / The Editors
The Man From Alcoa The Man From Alcoa
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill is turning out to be a dangerous crank.
Jun 28, 2001 / Feature / William Greider
Organization Man Organization Man
For HERE president John Wilhelm, building the union always comes first.
Jun 28, 2001 / Feature / David Moberg
Cold War Ghosts Cold War Ghosts
When the New York Times Op-Ed page called and asked whether I thought the death of Gus Hall, the perennial US Communist Party candidate for President who served time for "conspir...
Jun 28, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky
Open Letter to Left-Wing Magazines, Including Us Open Letter to Left-Wing Magazines, Including Us
The census makes clear about Latinos what many of us have known for a long time: The power of culture and character is now reinforced by demographics. From a small minority strugg...
Jun 28, 2001 / Earl Shorris