Cold War Ghosts Cold War Ghosts
When the New York Times Op-Ed page called and asked whether I thought the death of Gus Hall, the perennial US Communist Party candidate for President who served time for "conspir...
Jun 28, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky
Open Letter to Left-Wing Magazines, Including Us Open Letter to Left-Wing Magazines, Including Us
The census makes clear about Latinos what many of us have known for a long time: The power of culture and character is now reinforced by demographics. From a small minority strugg...
Jun 28, 2001 / Earl Shorris
A New, Simpler Analysis of the Recent Bush-Putin Summit A New, Simpler Analysis of the Recent Bush-Putin Summit
Bush and Putin talk together, To each other's charms succumb. Bush thinks Putin can be trusted. Putin thinks that Bush is dumb. Bush and Putin end their meeting, Smile...
Jun 28, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Beyond the Village Pale Beyond the Village Pale
The United States has one of the highest rates of intrafamilial violence of any nation in the world. As a statistical composite, we Americans are a nation of grieving adults and ...
Jun 28, 2001 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Death and Texas Death and Texas
The state's justice system crushes poor people like Ernestina Rodriguez.
Jun 28, 2001 / Feature / JoAnn Wypijewski
GMO? Hell No! GMO? Hell No!
GMO? Hell No! We knew that Danny Kohl's "GM Foods--Another View" [April 16], on genetically modified organism (GMO) technology used in food production, would provoke...
Jun 28, 2001 / Danny Kohl and Our Readers
Letter From Palestine Letter From Palestine
I'm sitting in a drab back room in the Gaza Strip's Deir al Bala refugee camp, discussing the latest stage of the Israel-Palestine conflict with a half-dozen or so young Palestini...
Jun 28, 2001 / Feature / Roane Carey
Fighting AIDS in the UN Cafe Fighting AIDS in the UN Cafe
Read Richard Kim's report on the Stop Global AIDS March here. Read the UN Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS here.
Jun 28, 2001 / Feature / Ben Winters
Needed: Rx for Drug Costs Needed: Rx for Drug Costs
John Elias, my patient, has a dilemma. He can't afford to buy his medicines and also pay his rent. I'm sure he won't give up his apartment just to keep his veins filled with my ch...
Jun 28, 2001 / Dr. Marc Siegel
Supreme Injustice Supreme Injustice
Click here to review some of the more perceptive comments on the Scalia Five's judicial coup d'etat.
Jun 23, 2001 / Steve Cobble