Letters Letters
...AND APPLE PIE Ravello, Italy Katha Pollitt's heart-wrenching "Happy Mother's Day" was, of course, a treat ["Subject to Debate," May 28]. But the crystalli...
Jun 7, 2001 / Alexander Cockburn, Gore Vidal, Ken Silverstein, Susan Sontag, Gila Svirsky, Tarek Milleron, Matthew Runci, Holly Burkhalter, and Nathaniel A. Raymond
White House Tax Windfall White House Tax Windfall
How much does the White House stand to save from Bush's tax cut?
Jun 7, 2001 / Feature / The Nation
‘Moral’ Execution ‘Moral’ Execution
For more information, see our Death Row Roll Call.
Jun 6, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro
Harvard’s ‘Fitting Choice’ Harvard’s ‘Fitting Choice’
On July 1 Larry Summers--the Wunderkind economist who ran the Treasury Department under President Clinton--takes over as president of Harvard University.
Jun 5, 2001 / Matt Bivens
Andrew Sullivan, Overexposed Andrew Sullivan, Overexposed
Click here for readers' reactions to this article.
Jun 5, 2001 / Feature / Richard Kim
The Vandals Repeat Did Not Take the Handles The Vandals Repeat Did Not Take the Handles
Wonder why it took ex-Republican Jim Jeffords to alert the national media to the fact that the Bush Administration is run out of the extremist end of the GOP? Writing from inside...
May 31, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman
Red Star Over Romania Red Star Over Romania
When, at 13, my rebellious move toward the left coincided with the emerging cold war, a teasing Bronx cousin took to calling me "Ana Pauker." Some boys in my school in the heart o...
May 31, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Susan Brownmiller
Godard and Company Godard and Company
It was the first Cannes Film Festival of the new century, but it felt more like an end than a beginning, as the past returned, in film after film, with weight and insistency. This...
May 31, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Leslie Camhi
The Left Taught Him How to Do It The Left Taught Him How to Do It
The leftists organizing in Vermont since the 1970s prepared the ground for James Jeffords's jump, and he never would have done it without them. In the 1970s and 1980s Democrats h...
May 31, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
We’re All Ears We’re All Ears
An accomplished journalist weaves a narrative about the NSA that includes sympathetic portraits of key players.
May 31, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Dusko Doder