Borderline Justice Borderline Justice
In their 1996 book The Next War, former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and Peter Schweitzer concoct some troubling scenarios they imagine could confront the United States...
Nov 2, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Joseph Nevins
Nader: Fast in the Stretch Nader: Fast in the Stretch
Ralph really ran. Against the record of his own faux campaign of 1996, against the expectations even of friends who said he lacked the candidate gene and against the calculations...
Nov 2, 2000 / John Nichols
Green Bee Green Bee
It was curled on the pavement, forehead to knees, as if it had died while bowing. Its stripes were citrine-yellow, and the black of a moonless starless, clea...
Nov 2, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Sharon Olds
In Our Orbit In Our Orbit
BEYOND WESTPHALIA One of the most remarkable--but unremarked, other than superficially--aspects of globalism is its erosional effect on the role of the state as we've known it s...
Nov 2, 2000 / Books & the Arts / The Editors
A Postcard From Arad A Postcard From Arad
Arad, where I live, is a small, out-of-the-way town in the Negev desert, in southern Israel. There are Jews and Arabs living here, but so far it has been surprisingly quiet. Not ...
Nov 2, 2000 / Amos Oz
Don’t Blame Ralph Don’t Blame Ralph
If Gore loses the White House--and some of you reading this will know whether or not he did--he'll have no one but himself to blame. Readers of this page know I've been something...
Nov 2, 2000 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Anthropologists as Spies Anthropologists as Spies
Collaboration occurred in the past, and there’s no professional bar to it today.
Nov 2, 2000 / Feature / David Price
America and the World: The End of Easy Dominance America and the World: The End of Easy Dominance
In the more trying period ahead, a modest internationalism would fare best.
Nov 2, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Sherle R. Schwenninger
Nader Voters: An Explanation Nader Voters: An Explanation
They thought they'd vote the Democratic slate, But somehow felt they needed something more. They finally found a candidate who was More sanctimonious than Albert Gore.
Nov 2, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin
From the ‘Burbs to the ‘Hood From the ‘Burbs to the ‘Hood
Activists are finding success solving social problems on a regional basis.
Nov 2, 2000 / Feature / Jay Walljasper