
Thomas Speaks! Thomas Speaks!

Back during the presidential campaign, George W. Bush called Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia his favorite Supreme Court Justices--a remark widely interpreted at the time as ...

Feb 23, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro

A Democratic Lullaby to Bill Clinton A Democratic Lullaby to Bill Clinton

As Bush finds backs to pat and hands to shake, The Democrats can't seem to buy a break. The opposition doesn't coalesce, Because the spotlight's on the Clinton mess, A ...

Feb 23, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Salter’s Flight Path Salter’s Flight Path

We have many male authors known for loving women, fewer known for loving men. Love that is not overtly homoerotic--resolutely heterosexual, in fact--can take on an intimacy and pu...

Feb 23, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Eric Weinberger

Bully in the Pulpit? Bully in the Pulpit?

Bully in the Pulpit? The following is a forum on Ellen Willis's "Freedom From Religion," which appeared in the February 19 issue.       --The ...

Feb 23, 2001 / Tom Hayden, Michael Eric Dyson, Ellen Willis, Michael Kazin, Frances Kissling, Arthur Hertzberg, Richard Parker, Jim Wallis, and Rosalind Pollack Petchesky

Fields of Thorns in Palestine Fields of Thorns in Palestine

The Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and Gaza Strip began in late September 2000 as a wave of popular protest against Ariel Sharon’s belligerent incursion into Jerusalem’s sac...

Feb 22, 2001 / Feature / Mouin Rabbani

The Pro-choice PR Problem The Pro-choice PR Problem

Young women, who've never lacked abortion rights, are tough to mobilize.

Feb 15, 2001 / Feature / Jennifer Baumgardner

Bush’s Hit Man Bush’s Hit Man

GOP strategist Karl Rove and the politics of destruction.

Feb 15, 2001 / Feature / Lou Dubose

Power Lines Power Lines

As George W. Bush so fuzzily put it, "The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating ...

Feb 15, 2001 / The Editors

The Embarrassment of the Riches The Embarrassment of the Riches

Are the Clintons better off than they were eight years ago? The evidence appears to point to a resounding yes. So why do they seem to resent the question? Probably because only a f...

Feb 15, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

In Fact… In Fact…

NAME THE PRESIDENT UPDATE Our contest to pick a title for George W. Bush, the present occupant of the White House, has evidently touched a nerve. Hundreds of cards, letters and e...

Feb 15, 2001 / The Editors
