
Two, Like, Star-Crossed Lovers Two, Like, Star-Crossed Lovers

When a young woman in high school frets about the folks in Mogadishu--when, for that matter, she can spell "Mogadishu"--American moviegoers know she needs a fashion makeover, a ...

Feb 4, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

Going for the Gunmakers Going for the Gunmakers

A short walk from my home in New Haven stands the farm of that prototypical Connecticut Yankee, Eli Whitney. In 1798 Whitney hit on a bold new scheme: interchangeable parts for...

Feb 4, 1999 / Bruce Shapiro

Liberal Pilgrim’s Progress Liberal Pilgrim’s Progress

Time magazine once diagnosed newspaper columnist, author, professor-at-large and Hugh Hefner sidekick Max Lerner (1902­92) as suffering from a "crush on Americ...

Feb 4, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Carlin Romano

Sextuple Jeopardy Sextuple Jeopardy

In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu draws a distinction that is useful in thinking about the impeachment of Bill Clinton.

Feb 4, 1999 / Jonathan Schell

Starr’s Right-Hand Man Starr’s Right-Hand Man

As the impeachment trial was slouching toward completion, another issue began rising in prominence: Can Bill Clinton be indicted while he's President?

Feb 4, 1999 / David Corn

A Global Green Deal A Global Green Deal

Government can do a lot to save the planet, from altering tax policies to aiding nascent industries. The money is there; all it takes now is the will.

Feb 1, 1999 / Feature / Mark Hertsgaard

The Great Pumpkin The Great Pumpkin

Some years ago, after I had completed a biography of the radical writer Josephine Herbst, I gave serious thought to writing a biography of Whittaker Chambers.

Jan 30, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Elinor Langer

The Cost of an Afghan ‘Victory’ The Cost of an Afghan ‘Victory’

Ten years ago, on February 15, 1989, as the last of the 115,000 Soviet soldiers crossed over from Afghanistan into Soviet Tajikistan, there was quiet celebration in Washington ...

Jan 28, 1999 / Feature / Dilip Hiro

France’s Rival Führers France’s Rival Führers

For once the news from France's racist front is optimistic. At least the worst will not happen.

Jan 28, 1999 / Daniel Singer

Antichrists Among Us Antichrists Among Us

What could have possessed the Rev. Jerry Falwell to announce that the Antichrist is probably alive and a male Jew?

Jan 28, 1999 / David Wallis
