
October Memories October Memories

With Zbigniew Bujak, Bogdan Lis, Adam Michnik and their comrades out of jail, there is reason to rejoice.

Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer

Top Down or Bottom Up? Top Down or Bottom Up?

It is a pleasure to watch, on both sides of the Atlantic, the professional prophets of "evil empire" now forced to perform their "agonizing reappraisals."

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

The Lessons of Defeat The Lessons of Defeat

The hour has not yet struck for an offensive by the left in Western Europe.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

The Apparatchiks The Apparatchiks

What price is Poland paying for its Stalinist heritage?

Jan 2, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer

From Public TV to ‘Dallasty’ From Public TV to ‘Dallasty’

The battle over French television is now being joined in earnest.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

People’s Sellout People’s Sellout

Wall Street did not simply drag Europe's exchanges down in its fall.

Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer

Les Affaires, or Zola Was Right Les Affaires, or Zola Was Right

In the electioneering mood of France at the turn of the year, the good advice is not, as in a whodunit, cherchez la femme but cherchez l'argent.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Poland–Ashes and Diamonds Poland–Ashes and Diamonds

Prices were raised sharply in Poland on January 30, by an estimated 40 percent, and hell did not break loose.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

The Mitterrand-Chirac-Barre Show The Mitterrand-Chirac-Barre Show

Most French voters, judging by opinion polls, are bored with the current presidential campaign. No wonder.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

What Price Gloire What Price Gloire

The only free Kanaks are dead ones, the outgoing French government might have argued.

Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer
