Does President Bush Have the Guts to Abandon a Bad Idea? Does President Bush Have the Guts to Abandon a Bad Idea?
Despite early stumbles, George W. Bush has the potential to be an effective foreign policy president. But his willingness to back off from the "Star Wars" missile defense, which ...
Jun 19, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer
Bush’s Abortion Flip-Flop? Bush’s Abortion Flip-Flop?
Which current candidate for President reversed the abortion stand he espoused as a Congressional candidate in the seventies and adopted a position more acceptable to the mainst...
Jun 15, 2000 / David Corn
Oh, Say It Isn’t So, Perot Oh, Say It Isn’t So, Perot
You really think you're going to go-- Just take your dough and leave the show? Oh, well. I guess we'll see you, Ross. We'll manage, somehow, with the loss.
Jun 15, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Au Clair de la Lune Au Clair de la Lune
The month of June always makes me wistful. School's out. A half-liberated, half-sad seasonal sensation settles over me, a feeling I associate with childhood and summer vacation.
Jun 15, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Independence: An Endangered Species? Independence: An Endangered Species?
The hopes of many for the birth and sustenance of independent web journalism took a body blow recently when all 140 employees of the crime news site were let go with ...
Jun 15, 2000 / Column / Eric Alterman
David Horowitz’s Long March David Horowitz’s Long March
Research assistance was provided by the Investigative Fund of the Nation Institute.
Jun 15, 2000 / Feature / Scott Sherman
A Literature From Below A Literature From Below
The role of the public intellectual--and the moral onus, assuming that one exists--seems ever to thread the Scylla of celebrity and the Charybdis of marginality.
Jun 15, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Günter Grass
Second-Wave Soundings Second-Wave Soundings
The women's liberation movement, as it was called in the sixties and seventies, was the largest social movement in the history of the United States--and probably in the world.
Jun 15, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Linda Gordon and Rosalyn Baxandall
Affirmative Retraction Affirmative Retraction
A century ago, as America made clear its retreat from the egalitarian gains of Reconstruction, two powerful voices set out differing agendas for how black Americans should respon...
Jun 15, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Philip A. Klinkner