
The Beat The Beat

ELECTION BEAT California State Senator Hilda Solis has become the first woman to receive a John Fitzgerald Kennedy Profile in Courage Award from the J

Jun 8, 2000 / John Nichols

A Rise in Unemployment Arrives on Schedule A Rise in Unemployment Arrives on Schedule

You cannot find a job? No cash is flowing? You haven't paid your bills, which have been growing? You'll never get the money you've been owing?

Jun 8, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

How a Caged Bird Learns to Sing How a Caged Bird Learns to Sing

This article is adapted from a lecture that was part of a series on self-censorship in the media given at New York University. The lecture series is being published this month in T...

Jun 8, 2000 / Books & the Arts / John Leonard

Reno: Getting It From All Sides Reno: Getting It From All Sides

A week after she ordered federal agents to seize Elián González from his relatives in Miami, Republican critics were snarling, the Miami Cuban community was venti...

Jun 8, 2000 / Feature / Lars-Erik Nelson

‘Spies’ Under the Persian Rug ‘Spies’ Under the Persian Rug

Early in the morning on Tuesday, May 2, as I opened my apartment door to pick up the New York Times, I was struck by a large front-page picture of a man in Iranian prison unifo...

Jun 8, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Mansour Farhang

Prince Albert in a Can Prince Albert in a Can

What's the meaning of Al Gore? Or George Bush?

Jun 8, 2000 / Books & the Arts / David Corn

McCullers: Canon Fodder? McCullers: Canon Fodder?

What makes an American writer? In today's narrow, backlashed literary market the chain of command is quite clear. The "greats" are Updike, Pynchon, Mailer, Bellow and Roth.

Jun 8, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Sarah Schulman

Flower Power: The Lessons Flower Power: The Lessons

An article in the financial section of the New York Observer this spring described a company named Corporation.

Jun 8, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Kim Phillips-Fein

Microsoft: Breaking Up Is Good to Do Microsoft: Breaking Up Is Good to Do

The pace of recent events made one of the most significant rulings in the history of American antitrust law seem like an anti-climax.

Jun 8, 2000 / Feature / Eben Moglen

Dad Slinks Off Into Silence on Alcohol Dad Slinks Off Into Silence on Alcohol

What if First Daughters Jenna and Barbara Bush had been caught lighting up a joint? Would the respectable media play down that story the way they have the Bush children's illegal...

Jun 5, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer
