Wherefore Al Gore? Wherefore Al Gore?
They're asking now, "Wherefore Al Gore?" They're thinking now, "Should we explore A few alternatives before We find too late we've bet the store
Apr 21, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Preventive Diplomacy Preventive Diplomacy
The US/NATO war in Kosovo marks a dramatic shift in the contours of global politics and domestic foreign policy discussions that is likely to have ramifications for years to come...
Apr 21, 1999 / Feature / William D. Hartung
Rushdie as Orpheus, on Guitar Rushdie as Orpheus, on Guitar
From the Satanic Versifier, more love and more death, with a song in his heart.
Apr 21, 1999 / Books & the Arts / John Leonard
Battle Hymn Battle Hymn
We're bombing you back to the Stone Age, Slobo, To teach you that you must behave. When all of our bombing is finished, Slobo,
Apr 15, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Ethnic Poisoning Ethnic Poisoning
In the very first days of Kosovo's drama of the dispossessed--a calculated atrocity that Slobodan Milosevic probably thinks of as his "exodus strategy"--the most amazing mantra ...
Apr 15, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Accountant of Death Accountant of Death
After we admit that all historical circumstances are specific and all sufferings absolute--that Serbian "police" are not Nazis and ethnic Albanians not Jews (and NATO forces can...
Apr 15, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Nationalism Unleashed Nationalism Unleashed
We Hungarians entered NATO on March 12.
Apr 15, 1999 / George Konrad
France’s Philosophe Impolitique France’s Philosophe Impolitique
Recent French philosophy has been most passionately loved and hated for its militant radicalism.
Apr 15, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Richard Shusterman
Voucher Veto Voucher Veto
In an effort to find common political ground on the vexing issue of public school reform, The Nation passes on to its readers a set of provocative proposals from Ron K.
Apr 15, 1999 / Ron K. Unz
Bioterrorism Hits Home Bioterrorism Hits Home
The high moral tone in Washington and London about "rogue" states, such as Iraq, building arsenals of biological weapons belies a shameful past.
Apr 15, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Peter Pringle