Scandalocracy Scandalocracy
Public scandals are America's favorite parlor sport. Learning about the flaws and misdeeds of the rich and famous seems to satisfy our egalitarian yearnings.
Jul 8, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Robert Dallek
Corporate Greenhouse Corporate Greenhouse
This book is aimed at business executives, but political reporters may have to read it too, now that Republican front-runner George W. Bush has decided that global warming is re...
Jul 8, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Mark Hertsgaard
Doctors’ Brains Doctors’ Brains
It's 9:45 Tuesday night, and the house lights have just come on after the final scene of Wit--the surprise Off Broadway hit about a terminally ill English professor and her exper...
Jul 8, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Suzanne Gordon
Spike’s Season Spike’s Season
In Summer of Sam, Spike Lee has made a small, shapely drama about two young Italian-American couples in the Bronx.
Jul 8, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Millions for Viagra, Pennies for Diseases of the Poor Millions for Viagra, Pennies for Diseases of the Poor
Almost three times as many people, most of them in tropical countries of the Third World, die of preventable, curable diseases as die of AIDS.
Jul 1, 1999 / Feature / Ken Silverstein
Rehnquist’s Revenge Rehnquist’s Revenge
William Rehnquist may be the most patient and unyielding radical ever to occupy high office in America.
Jul 1, 1999 / The Editors
On the Brink in Kashmir On the Brink in Kashmir
In early May, as the snows melted along the Karakoram Range, Indian troops on routine border patrols discovered that three strategic salients--Dras, Kargil and Batalik--in the In...
Jul 1, 1999 / Sumit Ganguly
Social Security for Women Social Security for Women
Despite the rosy projections and numerical alchemy that proponents employ to push their cause, privatizing Social Security won't build much wealth for women, and it will leave el...
Jul 1, 1999 / Trudy Lieberman
On Rumors of a Plea Deal for Webster Hubbell On Rumors of a Plea Deal for Webster Hubbell
If Webster Hubbell Is out of trouble, The end for Starr Cannot be far. We hope these guys Live peaceful lives With little fuss--
Jul 1, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Media Matters Media Matters
A new bride returns from a romantic honeymoon and opens a locked door in the family home, only to discover the mutilated corpses of her husband's six ex-wives.
Jul 1, 1999 / Column / Tara Zahra