Civil Society Civil Society
"Why do you care so much?" said a white friend to me during a debate about suspect profiling. "Don't take it so personally--the police aren't after you in the black middle class.
Jul 1, 1999 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Letter From Iran Letter From Iran
Hossein, a young newspaper vendor, is a revolutionary.
Jul 1, 1999 / Feature / Afshin Molavi
‘Snake Eat Snake’ ‘Snake Eat Snake’
A few years ago, one of Lebanon's giddier periodicals, suitably titled Prestige, published as its cover story an interview with a Lebanese celebrity.
Jul 1, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Walid Harb
‘Free-Range Rude’ ‘Free-Range Rude’
Early in Hannibal, Thomas Harris's hungrily anticipated sequel to The Silence of the Lambs, an Italian chief investigator on the trail of Dr.
Jul 1, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Annie Gottlieb
The Non-Silence of the Un-Lamblike The Non-Silence of the Un-Lamblike
After the success of Infinite Jest in 1996, David Foster Wallace took a vacation from fiction and, perhaps, from fans' expectations with A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Agai...
Jul 1, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Tom LeClair
Bridge Over Troubled Water Bridge Over Troubled Water
Legend has it that Potemkin, burdened by duties and melancholy, once neglected to order the packing up of one of his stage-set villages.
Jul 1, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Capitol Crimes Capitol Crimes
If only Columbine High School had posted the Ten Commandments next to its football trophies, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold would never have killed anyone.
Jun 24, 1999 / The Editors
America’s Disappeared America’s Disappeared
Nearly three years after the inauguration of welfare reform, Congress and the Clinton Administration would do well to reflect upon the admonition of Dorothy Day, the founder of t...
Jun 24, 1999 / Paul Wellstone
No Protection for Gays No Protection for Gays
There's a bill speeding its way through Congress that would shred much of the protection against discrimination provided by the dozens of local and state gay civil rights laws.
Jun 24, 1999 / Doug Ireland
Advise and Consent Advise and Consent
So Holbrooke says he's sorry, though for what is not quite clear. And Helms now says that Dick will get the post. An envoy must do many deeds to forge a bright career.
Jun 24, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin