Soul Survivor of Auschwitz Soul Survivor of Auschwitz
During a wide-ranging conversation I had with Primo Levi in his home in Turin in the summer of 1985, two years before his death, I asked him what effect Auschwitz had on him as a...
Mar 4, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Gabriel Motola
Jobs, Justice–Joy Jobs, Justice–Joy
The drinks were pouring, the flesh was pressing and a "dream team" of brassy, bluesy, soul and salsa players out to affiliate San Antonio's Tejano bands with the American Federat...
Mar 4, 1999 / JoAnn Wypijewski
Screendance Screendance
I grew up on dance films, although they weren't known as such; they were called musicals.
Mar 4, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Valerie Gladstone
Money Science = Ethics Problems on Campus Money Science = Ethics Problems on Campus
The third most dispensed drug in the United States is a thyroid medication called Synthroid.
Mar 4, 1999 / Feature / David Shenk
Tilting at Rumor Mills Tilting at Rumor Mills
Now that the Constitution has been rescued and sexual McCarthyism discredited, perhaps the most durable legacy of the Lewinsky mess is the central location of the right-wing sl...
Feb 25, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman
If Hillary Ran If Hillary Ran
Says super-tough guy Giuliani: To fight this mighty Amazon, he Is salivating. Yes, to beard her He'd get real tough (and even weirder).
Feb 25, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
And Now–Social Security And Now–Social Security
Social Security's future is the first, and gargantuan, legislative issue of the post-Monica era.
Feb 25, 1999 / The Editors
Ocalan, the Kurds and History Ocalan, the Kurds and History
The best day's work that Lenin ever did was to publish the secret treaties that the Bolsheviks found in the archives of the czarist regime.
Feb 25, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Albright’s State Deportment Albright’s State Deportment
Flirtatious and ferocious at the same time, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright stamps the world stage over Kosovo, threatening fire from heaven if Serbian strongman Slobodan ...
Feb 25, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Ian Williams