
Nation Conversations: P. Sainath on the Tarnished Truth Behind ‘India Shining’ Nation Conversations: P. Sainath on the Tarnished Truth Behind ‘India Shining’

Indian journalist P. Sainath explains the disastrous consequences of his country's extreme income inequality.

Jun 29, 2011 / The Nation

The Last Mountain: Fighting Back Against Mountaintop Removal The Last Mountain: Fighting Back Against Mountaintop Removal

The Last Mountain exposes these travesties and the growing mobilization to stand up and fight back. 

Jun 29, 2011 / The Nation Video

Delta Ndou: Zimbabweans Want Their Land Back Delta Ndou: Zimbabweans Want Their Land Back

The problem in Zimbabwe is not the president, it is the unequal distribution of land. 

Jun 29, 2011 / The Nation

Jose Antonio Vargas and the DREAM Act Jose Antonio Vargas and the DREAM Act

After a career of blending into the crowd, journalist Jose Antonio Vargas has come out of hiding about his legal status and has vowed to only cover immigration issues.

Jun 28, 2011 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Should Wisconsin’s Justice Prosser Be Removed? Should Wisconsin’s Justice Prosser Be Removed?

Under Wisconsin state law, it is a felony to touch a judge, making it quite possible that David Prosser will be forced to resign.

Jun 28, 2011 / The Ed Show

Could the Greek Economic Crisis Affect the US Economy? Could the Greek Economic Crisis Affect the US Economy?

Economic unrest in Greece has the potential to quickly spread through the entire European Union—and back to the US where the crisis originated on Wall Street. 

Jun 28, 2011 / WGBH

Chris Hayes: Are Republicans Deliberately Tanking the Economy? Chris Hayes: Are Republicans Deliberately Tanking the Economy?

The GOP has disowned some of their favorite ideas—pay as you go budgets, cap and trade, raising the debt ceiling—once President Obama has endorsed them.

Jun 28, 2011 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Debtocracy: The Story of Greece’s Financial Ruin Debtocracy: The Story of Greece’s Financial Ruin

Debtocracy strikes an ironic chord of dissonance between Greece's glorious past and perilous present.

Jun 28, 2011 / The Nation Video

Why Is the Military Infiltrating Peace Activist Groups? Why Is the Military Infiltrating Peace Activist Groups?

When peace activists discovered that one of their fellow organizers was in fact a military informant, they decided to take their case to the courts.

Jun 27, 2011 / The Nation

Nurses March on Wall Street for Fair Taxes Nurses March on Wall Street for Fair Taxes

On June 22, several hundred nurses and progressive activists marched on Wall Street in New York demanding a new tax on financial transactions.  

Jun 24, 2011 / The Nation
