Did the Media’s Budget Debate Frenzy Miss the Point? Did the Media’s Budget Debate Frenzy Miss the Point?
Last week, the media covered the budget debate like it was a basketball game.
Apr 11, 2011 / CNN
Anand Gopal: How Egyptians Took Over Tahrir Square Anand Gopal: How Egyptians Took Over Tahrir Square
When Egyptians took over their city, they created a new order of cooperation.
Apr 11, 2011 / The Nation

The Breakdown: What Can The Federal Reserve Do for You? The Breakdown: What Can The Federal Reserve Do for You?
Matthew Yglesias joins Chris Hayes to explain the vital role the Fed plays in managing the health of the economy.
Apr 8, 2011 / Chris Hayes
Improving the Economy Will Prevent Abortions Improving the Economy Will Prevent Abortions
Do Republicans really think they will prevent abortions by defunding Planned Parenthood?
Apr 7, 2011 / MSNBC
JoAnne Kloppenburg’s Election Is a Victory for Wisconsin JoAnne Kloppenburg’s Election Is a Victory for Wisconsin
Wisconsin's recent Supreme Court election should be a lesson for states across the country—and for the White House.
Apr 7, 2011 / MSNBC
Advance America’s Business Advance America’s Business
An interactive map of the states in which Advance America operates.
Apr 7, 2011 / The Nation
Government Shutdown Will Be Bad for Both Parties Government Shutdown Will Be Bad for Both Parties
On Bloggingheads, Ari Berman says that the Obama Administration has failed to steer the debate on economic issues to the Democrats' advantage.
Apr 7, 2011 / Bloggingheads
Katrina vanden Heuvel: It’s a Jobs Crisis, Not a Deficit Crisis Katrina vanden Heuvel: It’s a Jobs Crisis, Not a Deficit Crisis
The argument that tax cuts to wealthy will create jobs doesn't make sense.
Apr 7, 2011 / CNN
Melissa Harris-Perry on the Demonization of Public Services Melissa Harris-Perry on the Demonization of Public Services
Republicans have created popular anxiety about public services by linking them with highly stigmatized members of our society.
Apr 6, 2011 / The Rachel Maddow Show
Katrina vanden Heuvel on the GOP’s Push for Government Shutdown Katrina vanden Heuvel on the GOP’s Push for Government Shutdown
If the GOP has their way in the budget battles, they'll force a childish and unproductive government shutdown.
Apr 6, 2011 / The Ed Show