Zealots and Fake Journalism: The Shirley Sherrod Case Zealots and Fake Journalism: The Shirley Sherrod Case
The Sherrod controversy "was a ginned-up, fabricated story,” The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel explains on The Today Show. “And this country can’t afford t...
Jul 23, 2010 / The Today Show
The Breakdown: Will the Financial Reform Bill Prevent Future Meltdowns? The Breakdown: Will the Financial Reform Bill Prevent Future Meltdowns?
Obama signed the Frank-Dodd bill into law this week. What does the bill do to reform Wall Street, and will it prevent bailouts? Finance blogger Mike Konczal joins Chris Hayes to ta...
Jul 23, 2010 / Chris Hayes
There’s a Beautiful Story Hidden in the Sherrod Mess There’s a Beautiful Story Hidden in the Sherrod Mess
Nation columnist, Melissa Harris-Lacewell is angry with the administration, the NAACP, and blogger Andrew Breitbart, but maybe some good can come out of all of this.
Jul 22, 2010 / Morning Joe
Lies and the Vilification of Black Women Lies and the Vilification of Black Women
America has a long history of turning black women into scapegoats.
Jul 22, 2010 / Countdown
Commentary: Jaclyn Friedman on Al Gore’s Media Defenders Commentary: Jaclyn Friedman on Al Gore’s Media Defenders
According to Jaclyn Friedman, the media couldn't have handled the sexual assault allegations against Al Gore worse if they had tried.
Jul 21, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV
Briefing: Greg Mitchell on America’s Massive Intelligence Apparatus Briefing: Greg Mitchell on America’s Massive Intelligence Apparatus
How was America's hidden intelligence infrastructure allowed to grow so large while other social programs whithered?
Jul 19, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV
Palin’s Tweets Cause a Stir Palin’s Tweets Cause a Stir
At this point, Sarah Palin is just another member of the media.
Jul 19, 2010 / MSNBC
Briefing: JoAnn Wypijewski on the Republicans’ Negativity Briefing: JoAnn Wypijewski on the Republicans’ Negativity
The Nation's JoAnn Wypijewski on how many Americans feel unable to defend themselves against catastrophes from foreclosures to job loss to the BP oil spill—but unlike during...
Jul 16, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV
Nation Conversations: New York Public Advocate Bill de Blasio Nation Conversations: New York Public Advocate Bill de Blasio
The Supreme Court's Citizens United decision "will warp our democracy forever," says de Blasio, "if we let it do so." The challenge to progressives is to refocus and re-energize gr...
Jul 16, 2010 / The Nation
Palin’s “Mamma Grizzlies” Video is No Obama “Yes We Can” Palin’s “Mamma Grizzlies” Video is No Obama “Yes We Can”
Is Sarah Palin's video a preview for a possible campaign in 2012? Nation correspondent Ari Melber explains why she hasn't crossed over into social media organizing just yet.
Jul 16, 2010 / To The Point