
Government Hasn’t Learned From Blackwater Mistakes Government Hasn’t Learned From Blackwater Mistakes

The private defense operation formerly known as Blackwater—now called Xe—has cleaned up its act about as much as BP has cleaned up the Gulf, says Jeremy Scahill.

Jun 25, 2010 / Countdown

Economic Anxiety and the Gay Marriage Debate Economic Anxiety and the Gay Marriage Debate

Proposition 8, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and Civil Unions? Nation Senior Editor Richard Kim and writer Reihan Salam talk it all out on

Jun 24, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Bloggingheads

Labor’s Convoluted Future Labor’s Convoluted Future

The Nation's Max Fraser and Michael Whitney of Firedoglake join Laura Flanders to deconstruct the ways in which labor's long-term alliance with the Democratic party is in troubl...

Jun 24, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

Find a Political Solution in Afghanistan, Not a Military One Find a Political Solution in Afghanistan, Not a Military One

Nation Editor and Publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel tells Ed Schultz that McChrystal's departure gives Obama an opening for changing the trajectory of the American presence in Afghan...

Jun 24, 2010 / The Ed Show

In Deep Water: A Way of Life in Peril In Deep Water: A Way of Life in Peril

In the two months since the Deepwater Horizon explosion, millions of gallons of oil have gushed out of BP's well into the water each day, slowly encroaching on the coastline. Fau...

Jun 24, 2010 / Avi Lewis

Reconsidering Deep-Sea Oil Drilling Reconsidering Deep-Sea Oil Drilling

America isn't the only country reassessing their deep-sea oil drilling. The Nation's Michael Klare speaks to Jeb Sharp of PRI's The World about the globe's major oil reserves and w...

Jun 24, 2010 / The World

US Hikers Seized by Iranian Police in Iraqi Territory US Hikers Seized by Iranian Police in Iraqi Territory

Senior Editor Richard Kim on CNN explaining The Nation's breaking revelation that three American hikers detained by the Iranian military almost a year ago were unlawfully captured ...

Jun 24, 2010 / CNN

Aram Roston: US Military Funds Afghan Warlords Aram Roston: US Military Funds Afghan Warlords

Aram Roston's Nation cover story on taxpayer dollars being used to pay off the Taliban created a stir of controversy, and after a six-month investigation, Congress has confirmed th...

Jun 23, 2010 / GRITtv

Map of Iran-Iraq Border Where Hikers Were Seized Map of Iran-Iraq Border Where Hikers Were Seized

Last July, three Americans were arrested by Iranian forces for allegedly crossing the Iranian border to conduct espionage. However, a five-month investigation by The Nation and the...

Jun 22, 2010 / The Nation

Republicans Can’t Figure Out What They Stand For Republicans Can’t Figure Out What They Stand For

Nation Washington Editor Christopher Hayes tells Rachel Maddow that jumping on the GOP's conflicted messages about BP's liability for the Gulf spill is a way for Democrats to "...

Jun 22, 2010 / Press Room
