
Let All Super Bowl Ads Advocate Let All Super Bowl Ads Advocate

David Zirin argues for a Super Bowl chock-full of advocacy ads.

Feb 5, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show

The Breakdown: Defense Spending and the 2011 Budget The Breakdown: Defense Spending and the 2011 Budget

What effect will the reduction in troops in Iraq that Obama has promised have on defense spending?

Feb 5, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Republican Senators: You Lie Republican Senators: You Lie

Republican Senators come out against the Obama administration's handling if the Underwear bomber, yet, they are "wrong, wrong, wrong."

Feb 4, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show

The Death and Life of American Journalism The Death and Life of American Journalism

John Nichols and Bob McChesney explain why the government should provide subsidies for media outlets.

Feb 4, 2010 / GRITtv

Video: How to Get Our Democracy Back Video: How to Get Our Democracy Back

Find out Professor Lawrence Lessig's solutions and ideas for how to fix Congress in this video companion to his cover story, "How to Get Democracy Back."

Feb 3, 2010 / The Nation Video

Working America’s Unwanted Jobs Working America’s Unwanted Jobs

Gabriel Thompson's book Working in the Shadows reveals what working like an immigrant in America is really like.

Feb 3, 2010 / MSNBC

Secret Afghan Prisons Revealed Secret Afghan Prisons Revealed

Anand Gopal details the inhumane treatment of prisoners caught in secret Afghan prisons on US military bases.

Feb 2, 2010 / Press Room

Journalism in 10: The Future of News and Media Journalism in 10: The Future of News and Media

What does the future of journalism look like? What's next for media? The Nation asks a range of journalists and media makers to tell us what they predict.

Feb 1, 2010 / Various Contributors

Video: Blackwater’s Youngest Victim Video: Blackwater’s Youngest Victim

On September 16, 2007, Blackwater employees killed at least 14 Iraqis in the infamous Nisour Square massacre. The youngest victim was nine-year-old Ali Kinani. In this exclusive in...

Feb 1, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Journalism in 10: Students on the Future of Media Journalism in 10: Students on the Future of Media

Student journalists at The Nation and Campus Progress's Annual Student Journalism Conference talk how news media will be produced, consumed and funded in the next five to ten years...

Jan 31, 2010 / The Nation Video
