
Inside the Value Voters Summit Inside the Value Voters Summit

Jeff Sharlet says the conservative Christian movement in the US is far more complicated, diverse and powerful than most coverage of events like the 9/12 Tea Party protests suggests...

Oct 5, 2009 / GRITtv

‘Republican Gomorrah’ and the GOP Crackup ‘Republican Gomorrah’ and the GOP Crackup

Nation contributor Max Blumenthal on the right-wing tea-baggers, sex scandals, religious fanaticism and zombie mentality that are driving today's Republican party.

Oct 2, 2009 / The Nation Video

Progressives and the Fight for Healthcare Progressives and the Fight for Healthcare

Marcy Wheeler talks strategy, saying that Democrats need to "push the positive" to encourage people to not accept anything but the public option.

Oct 1, 2009 / The Nation Video

Right-Wing Ponders Overthrow of Obama Right-Wing Ponders Overthrow of Obama

The Nation's Christopher Hayes weighs in on of the recent "treasonous rhetoric from the right" and the danger that it could lead to real violence.

Oct 1, 2009 / Countdown

Who’s Afraid of the Independent Press? Who’s Afraid of the Independent Press?

Nation contributor Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald discuss the decline of establishment media and who's afraid of the independent press.

Sep 30, 2009 / GRITtv

Jon Stewart Defends Kids From the GOP Jon Stewart Defends Kids From the GOP

Stewart takes on the crazy conspiracy theories of the right, starting with the recent Fox News coverage of ACORN.

Sep 29, 2009 / The Daily Show

Iron City in the Shadow of G-20 Iron City in the Shadow of G-20

G-20 protesters and Pittsburgh locals take a stand against the summit and the corporate globalization they feel it supports.

Sep 28, 2009 / The Nation Video

How Did ACORN Become a Target? How Did ACORN Become a Target?

Nation contributor Jeremy Scahill say that this witch-hunt against ACORN 'isn't really about upholding the law.'

Sep 28, 2009 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Glenn Beck’s Madness Mocked in Prime-Time Glenn Beck’s Madness Mocked in Prime-Time

The inevitable Glenn Beck impression makes its debut, complete with a trembling voice, blatant factual inaccuracies and Hitler salutes.

Sep 25, 2009 / Saturday Night Live

Joseph Stiglitz on the G-20, the Meltdown and What Comes Next Joseph Stiglitz on the G-20, the Meltdown and What Comes Next

The Nation's John Nichols sits down with Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh to discuss our economic crisis.

Sep 25, 2009 / The Nation Video
