
GOP’s Healthcare Message Malfunction GOP’s Healthcare Message Malfunction

The Nation's Chris Hayes says Republicans want to kill healthcare reform, not put forth any credible alternatives, so their arguments are a 'logical mess.'

Aug 26, 2009 / Countdown

Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story

In his latest film, Michael Moore goes after Wall Street fat cats and congressmen who love them, tracing the path of the economy through Bush, bubbles and bailouts.

Aug 24, 2009 / Books & the Arts / The Nation Video

How Can Obama Win His Base Back? How Can Obama Win His Base Back?

Nation blogger Melissa Harris-Lacewell discusses Obama's declining poll numbers and what the president needs to do to make a comeback.

Aug 24, 2009 / Countdown

CIA Outsources Murder to Blackwater CIA Outsources Murder to Blackwater

The Nation's Jeremy Scahill on the latest devastating news about Blackwater: its involvement with the CIA's covert assassination program.

Aug 21, 2009 / Countdown

The Healthcare Debate Is Like Crossing Mountains The Healthcare Debate Is Like Crossing Mountains

The Nation's Chris Hayes talks about the difficulty of achieving progressives' goals in today's highly charged political climate.

Aug 20, 2009 / Sum of Change

CIA Hires Blackwater for Assassinations CIA Hires Blackwater for Assassinations

The Nation's Jeremy Scahill talks about the possible involvement of the private contractor's owner Erik Prince in multiple murders.

Aug 20, 2009 / Democracy Now!

Can Michael Vick Make a Comeback? Can Michael Vick Make a Comeback?

The Nation's Dave Zirin defends Michael Vick and talks about how his story is not just about sports but also how we treat our nation's ex-cons.

Aug 19, 2009 / MSNBC

Is the Right Moving Towards Violence? Is the Right Moving Towards Violence?

Nation blogger Melissa Harris-Lacewell takes a look at the recent threats of right-wing violence emerging in the healthcare debate.

Aug 19, 2009 / Countdown

The Power of Online Politics The Power of Online Politics

The Nation's Ari Melber shares his insights from the Netroots Nation conference on the direction Internet-based organizing is taking.

Aug 18, 2009 / MSNBC

What Is the Public Option? What Is the Public Option?

The Nation's Chris Hayes explains the proposed healthcare reforms as part of a panel discussion at the Netroots Nation conference.

Aug 17, 2009 / Sum of Change
