Radio Nation with Laura Flanders Radio Nation with Laura Flanders
Liberal living coast to coast. A look at the forthcoming Nation Guide to the Nation, with Katrina vanden Heuvel. Plus: Patty Hearst and Obama's education choice.
Dec 15, 2008 / Radio Nation
SNL’s Really?!? with Seth and Amy: Blagojevich Edition SNL’s Really?!? with Seth and Amy: Blagojevich Edition
The Weekend Update anchors mock Blagojevich's refusal to resign, the stupidity of being caught on tape breaking the law and his hair.
Dec 15, 2008 / Saturday Night Live
Eviction Day: Foreclosure Crisis Forces Man From Home Eviction Day: Foreclosure Crisis Forces Man From Home
A glimpse at an increasingly common, but rarely documented, tragedy: someone being evicted from their home because of foreclosure.
Dec 12, 2008 / American News Project
Jon Stewart and Mike Huckabee Debate Marriage Equality Jon Stewart and Mike Huckabee Debate Marriage Equality
Jon Stewart challenges Republican Mike Huckabee over the hypocrisy and dishonesty of his anti-marriage equality positions.
Dec 12, 2008 / The Daily Show
Help End the Unconstitutional Military Commissions Help End the Unconstitutional Military Commissions
Military officials who have prosecuted and defended detainees explain why we cannot continue to deny Gitmo prisoners the rights they deserve.
Dec 12, 2008 / Brave New Films
Rachel Maddow’s Blagojevich Wiretap Re-enactment Rachel Maddow’s Blagojevich Wiretap Re-enactment
Perhaps Rod Blagojevich's profanity-laced tirades only sound incriminating on paper. Maddow puts this theory to the test.
Dec 10, 2008 / The Rachel Maddow Show
Chicago Striker Speaks Out Chicago Striker Speaks Out
A labor organizer from Chicago sheds light on the ongoing protest for wages owed to Republic Windows and Doors workers.
Dec 10, 2008 / GRITtv
Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now: The Blackwater Indictment Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now: The Blackwater Indictment
Five Blackwater security guards are charged for their role in the 2007 Nisour Square massacre in Baghdad, Nation contributor Jeremy Scahill weighs in.
Dec 9, 2008 / Press Room
Iraq Interrogator: ‘I Never Saw Coercive Methods Pay Off’ Iraq Interrogator: ‘I Never Saw Coercive Methods Pay Off’
Matthew Alexander, an Air Force vet and interrogator based in Iraq, tells Jon Stewart he's "never seen coercive methods pay off."
Dec 9, 2008 / The Daily Show
Radio Nation with Laura Flanders Radio Nation with Laura Flanders
Can the people who broke the banking system fix it? And is there a way taxpayers could save Motor City while making it green?
Dec 8, 2008 / Radio Nation