
John Nichols: Chris Christie’s Conservative Agenda

John Nichols: Chris Christie’s Conservative Agenda John Nichols: Chris Christie’s Conservative Agenda

Chris Christie isn't the moderate Republican he would like the public to think he is, but rather a union-busting bully with the corporate agenda in mind.

May 20, 2013 / Francis Reynolds

Bill de Blasio: New York’s ‘Tale of Two Cities’

Bill de Blasio: New York’s ‘Tale of Two Cities’ Bill de Blasio: New York’s ‘Tale of Two Cities’

As part of The Nation's mayoral candidate series, de Blasio gives his views on how to tackle economic inequality.

May 9, 2013 / The Nation

Noam Chomsky: Things Are Ugly—Do Something About It

Noam Chomsky: Things Are Ugly—Do Something About It Noam Chomsky: Things Are Ugly—Do Something About It

Repression after 9/11 is nothing compared to what's come before, and our tools to fight it are greater.

May 6, 2013 / On The Earth Productions and The Nation Video

‘Dirty Wars’: A Look Into America’s Secret Killing Machine

‘Dirty Wars’: A Look Into America’s Secret Killing Machine ‘Dirty Wars’: A Look Into America’s Secret Killing Machine

In his film, Dirty Wars, Jeremy Scahill unveils America's extrajudicial, covert, transcontinental battlefield.

May 2, 2013 / The Nation

John Liu: An ‘Out of Control’ Wealth Gap Is Holding New York City Back

John Liu: An ‘Out of Control’ Wealth Gap Is Holding New York City Back John Liu: An ‘Out of Control’ Wealth Gap Is Holding New York City Back

The difference between rich and poor is stunting economic growth, the mayoral candidate says.

Apr 29, 2013 / The Nation

WATCH: The 2013 Ridenhour Prizes

WATCH: The 2013 Ridenhour Prizes WATCH: The 2013 Ridenhour Prizes

The annual Ridenhour Prizes recognize acts of truth-telling that protect the public interest, promote social justice or illuminate a more just vision of society.

Apr 24, 2013 / The Nation

Jeremy Scahill: Killing Anwar al-Awlaki

Jeremy Scahill: Killing Anwar al-Awlaki Jeremy Scahill: Killing Anwar al-Awlaki

With the killing of Awlaki, the president of the United States became judge, jury and executioner for American citizens.

Apr 23, 2013 / Francis Reynolds

How the Left Fought Back Against Thatcher

How the Left Fought Back Against Thatcher How the Left Fought Back Against Thatcher

It wasn't easy, but artists, musicians and activists met Thatcher's brutal tactics with compassionate responses.

Apr 9, 2013 / The Nation Video and Antonino D’Ambrosio

Democracy vs. Dollarocracy

Democracy vs. Dollarocracy Democracy vs. Dollarocracy

So long as austerity-mongers have their way, "democracy" is just a buzzword.

Mar 29, 2013 / Francis Reynolds

Noam Chomsky: If Nuclear War Doesn’t Get Us, Climate Change Will

Noam Chomsky: If Nuclear War Doesn’t Get Us, Climate Change Will Noam Chomsky: If Nuclear War Doesn’t Get Us, Climate Change Will

The growing threats of nuclear war and environmental catastrophe make it hard to bet on the survival of our species.

Mar 28, 2013 / On The Earth Productions and The Nation
