
Creating a Progressive America Creating a Progressive America

In a collaboration between The Nation and On The Earth Productions, progressive luminaries discuss the current state of affairs, the potential for a national escalat...

Oct 12, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Koch Industries’ Plant Pollutes Streams, Poisons Residents

Koch Industries’ Plant Pollutes Streams, Poisons Residents Koch Industries’ Plant Pollutes Streams, Poisons Residents

As the Koch brothers continue their war against environmental regulations, their factories are causing fatal health problems for local residents.

Oct 12, 2011 / Brave New Films

Video: At Occupy Wall Street, America’s Long Progressive Tradition Continues

Video: At Occupy Wall Street, America’s Long Progressive Tradition Continues Video: At Occupy Wall Street, America’s Long Progressive Tradition Continues

Contrary to the mainstream media's coverage, you don't need to be unemployed, homeless or in need of medication to pull the night shift at Occupy Wall Street.

Oct 6, 2011 / Jin Zhao and Teresa Cotsirilos

Video: Occupy Wall Street Not Just for the Young Video: Occupy Wall Street Not Just for the Young

There are plenty of young people at Occupy Wall Street, but the protests are not just a young man's game.

Oct 6, 2011 / Jin Zhao and Teresa Cotsirilos

Live From Liberty Square: Laura Flanders at Occupy Wall Street Live From Liberty Square: Laura Flanders at Occupy Wall Street

A live feed of a special broadcast from the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City.

Oct 5, 2011 / Laura Flanders

Video: For the Youth of Occupy Wall Street, Personal Stories Inform Political Action

Video: For the Youth of Occupy Wall Street, Personal Stories Inform Political Action Video: For the Youth of Occupy Wall Street, Personal Stories Inform Political Action

As the mainstream media debate Occupy Wall Street's agenda (or lack thereof), protesters discuss their personal reasons for taking to the streets.

Oct 4, 2011 / Jin Zhao and Teresa Cotsirilos

Video: Voices From Liberty Square Video: Voices From Liberty Square

Are the Occupy Wall Street protesters crunchy? Yes. But they are also driven by legitimate economic grievances.

Sep 30, 2011 / Jin Zhao and Teresa Cotsirilos

John Nichols: Don’t Shut Down the Human Face of Government John Nichols: Don’t Shut Down the Human Face of Government

Two days ago, postal workers staged nearly 500 rallies throughout the nation to protest newly-proposed Republican legislation—which, if passed, would gut servi...

Sep 29, 2011 / MSNBC

Talk of The Nation: What Happened to the Political Left? Talk of The Nation: What Happened to the Political Left?

What happened that has led to the conservatives' dominance in the political debate in the country at a time crisis? What happened to the political left?

Sep 28, 2011 / NPR

The Face of Black Women: Melissa Harris-Perry Talks Race and Gender The Face of Black Women: Melissa Harris-Perry Talks Race and Gender

It is important, not only for black women but for all of us, to rethink the ways to critique and resist the "crooked" force of racism and sexism in our cultural and polit...

Sep 26, 2011 / Center for American Progress
