
Sal Rosselli: Empowering the Labor Movement Sal Rosselli: Empowering the Labor Movement

Unions have no permanent political friends nor permanent political enemies. Unions only have permanent political issues.

Aug 4, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Stadium Status: Why Are Taxpayers Funding Billionaires’ Stadiums? Stadium Status: Why Are Taxpayers Funding Billionaires’ Stadiums?

A hilarious, incisive look at taxpayer-funded stadiums.

Aug 4, 2011 / The Nation

The Spending Cuts Are Two Sacred Cows Strapped Together With a Time Bomb The Spending Cuts Are Two Sacred Cows Strapped Together With a Time Bomb

This "Super" Committee is actually a ticking time bomb strapped to two sacred cows: military spending and social spending.

Aug 4, 2011 / MSNBC

How the Koch Brothers Are Blocking the Vote in Wisconsin How the Koch Brothers Are Blocking the Vote in Wisconsin

Once again, the Koch Brothers are pouring money into a campaign to keep Wisconsin Democrats from voting in the recall elections.

Aug 3, 2011 / The Ed Show

Melissa Harris-Perry: Voters Are Crying Out for Economic Recovery Melissa Harris-Perry: Voters Are Crying Out for Economic Recovery

Melissa Harris-Perry argues that the debt deal will only make it more difficult for the federal government to foster the economic recovery the American people so desperately want.

Aug 2, 2011 / MSNBC

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Debt Deal Exposes America’s Democratic Deficit

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Debt Deal Exposes America’s Democratic Deficit Katrina vanden Heuvel: Debt Deal Exposes America’s Democratic Deficit

The political and economic elite are drifting further and further away from the rest of the country.

Aug 2, 2011 / The Diane Rehm Show

Winners and Losers in Congress’s Debt Deal Winners and Losers in Congress’s Debt Deal

The Nation's Ari Melber on MSNBC's The Last Word describes how Barack Obama might have made the debt ceiling and eventual debt deal more of a compromise and less of a concessi...

Aug 2, 2011 / MSNBC

Debunking the Myth that Sports and Politics Don’t Overlap Debunking the Myth that Sports and Politics Don’t Overlap

Sports has a rich tradition of resistance politics. 

Aug 1, 2011 / The Nation

Katrina vanden Heuvel on All Things Considered: Debt Ceiling Compromises and Consequences Katrina vanden Heuvel on All Things Considered: Debt Ceiling Compromises and Consequences

All of the plans on the table for solving the debt crisis, including the finalized plan, are far removed from the needs and wants of ordinary Americans.  

Aug 1, 2011 / NPR

Sherry Wolf: Revolution in the Air Sherry Wolf: Revolution in the Air

There is a unique global upheaval underway, with activists borrowing certain protest tactics and creating others to be shared as revolutions around the world create progressive cha...

Jul 29, 2011 / The Nation
