
President Biden and Mike Johnson

Republicans Aren’t Going to Stop Talking About Biden’s Age Republicans Aren’t Going to Stop Talking About Biden’s Age

Congress is planning additional hearings about the president's fitness to hold office. It’s a convenient distraction from a stagnant system serving up the same two candidates agai...

Feb 14, 2024 / Chris Lehmann

March for Our Lives Protest

The #NeverAgain Movement Six Years Later The #NeverAgain Movement Six Years Later

After a school shooting in Parkland, Fla., on February 14, 2018, hundreds of thousands of young people pushed for stronger gun control measures. How has their advocacy changed sin...

Feb 14, 2024 / StudentNation / Zachariah Sippy and Marie-Rose Sheinerman

Cross-section illustration depicting a family in their underground lead fallout shelter, equipped with a geiger counter, periscope, air filter, etc., early 1960s.

Why Billionaires Are Obsessed With the Apocalypse Why Billionaires Are Obsessed With the Apocalypse

In Survival of the Richest, Douglas Rushkoff gets to the bottom of the tech oligarchy’s fixation on protecting themselves from the end times.

Feb 14, 2024 / Books & the Arts / Jared Marcel Pollen

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is seen in the U.S. Capitol after the senate voted against advancing a border security deal on Wednesday, February 7, 2024.

“I Will Be Damned if I’m Going to Give Another Nickel to the Netanyahu Government” “I Will Be Damned if I’m Going to Give Another Nickel to the Netanyahu Government”

Bernie Sanders and two Senate colleagues defined a new standard for foreign aid packages: No more complicity with Israel’s assault on Gaza.

Feb 13, 2024 / John Nichols


Loser Loser

Applying for new positions.

Feb 13, 2024 / OppArt / Ed Wexler

President Joe Biden answers questions about Israel after speaking about the special counsel’s report in the White House in Washington, D.C., on February 8, 2024.

Biden Is Mad at Netanyahu? Spare Me. Biden Is Mad at Netanyahu? Spare Me.

An infuriating, thuddingly predictable genre of article has emerged: the “Biden is really upset with Israel behind the scenes” story.

Feb 13, 2024 / Jack Mirkinson

A nuclear test on May 25, 1953, at the Nevada Proving Grounds.

The Nuclear Arms Race Never Ended The Nuclear Arms Race Never Ended

What passes for debate on Capitol Hill is routinely an exercise in assessing the most cost-effective outlays to facilitate Armageddon, not how to prevent it.

Feb 13, 2024 / Norman Solomon

What Happened When a Palestinian Restaurant Hosted a Shabbos Dinner

What Happened When a Palestinian Restaurant Hosted a Shabbos Dinner What Happened When a Palestinian Restaurant Hosted a Shabbos Dinner

A taste of what Palestine once was—and still could be.

Feb 13, 2024 / Sarah Baum

People attend a signing ceremony for the Respect for Marriage Act at the White House

This Valentine’s Day, It’s Not Just Love That’s on the Ballot This Valentine’s Day, It’s Not Just Love That’s on the Ballot

Basic dignity is threatened as LGBTQ+ freedoms are increasingly endangered.

Feb 13, 2024 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

A still from the Super Bowl ad for RFK Jr showing photos of him with text reading

RFK Jr. Has Lost His Way RFK Jr. Has Lost His Way

A Super Bowl ad that defiled his assassinated uncle’s memory was paid for by a super PAC funded by one of Donald Trump’s largest donors.

Feb 12, 2024 / Joan Walsh
