Ecuador’s Paradise Lost Ecuador’s Paradise Lost
President Rafael Correa tried to save the world’s most biodiverse forest, the Yasuni National Park—but rich nations ignored his offer.
Aug 28, 2013 / Feature / Christian Parenti

The Case Against Military Intervention in Syria The Case Against Military Intervention in Syria
There are both practical and humanitarian reasons to oppose US airstrikes in response to the horrific chemical weapons attack.
Aug 28, 2013 / The Editors

The End of Stop-and-Frisk as We Know It The End of Stop-and-Frisk as We Know It
Mayor Bloomberg and Ray Kelly lost big: a federal court ruling and a new law ban the racial profiling that undergirds the discriminatory practice.
Aug 28, 2013 / Mychal Denzel Smith
Another Constructive Tea Party Agenda Another Constructive Tea Party Agenda
“Some Republicans Nurture Dreams of Impeaching Obama” —New York Times headline The limits of our patience have been reached: Obama simply has to be impeached. High crimes and misdemeanors? Yes, this traitor Must have them. We’ll produce a long list later. For now, we say he has to get the sack. You may have noticed, by the way—he’s black.
Aug 28, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Can Eric Holder Reverse the ‘Wheel of Misfortune’? Can Eric Holder Reverse the ‘Wheel of Misfortune’?
Obama’s attorney general promised a new approach to criminal justice—but prosecutors can still block meaningful change.
Aug 28, 2013 / Liliana Segura

Beyond the Boycott of Sochi Beyond the Boycott of Sochi
Doesn’t a truly effective fight for LGBT rights in Russia need to be led by Russians?
Aug 28, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Operation Rescue vs. Dr. Ann Neuhaus, Hero Provider Operation Rescue vs. Dr. Ann Neuhaus, Hero Provider
Think anti-abortion crazies are no longer wreaking havoc on clinics and providers? Think again.
Aug 28, 2013 / Column / Katha Pollitt

The Race-Baiting of America The Race-Baiting of America
The tragic murder of Australian student Christopher Lane is being exploited by the right to stoke fears of a race war.
Aug 28, 2013 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Did You March on Washington? Our Readers Respond Did You March on Washington? Our Readers Respond
Our readers’ memories from the 1963 March on Washington.
Aug 28, 2013 / The Nation

Paying CEOs Top Dollar for Poor Performance Paying CEOs Top Dollar for Poor Performance
A new report reveals that America’s highest-paid CEOs often do their jobs badly, leaving taxpayers to clean up the mess.
Aug 28, 2013 / Zoƫ Carpenter