
3-2-1: Only the Suffering of the Wealthy Counts

3-2-1: Only the Suffering of the Wealthy Counts 3-2-1: Only the Suffering of the Wealthy Counts

The Daily Show’s Jason Jones zeroes in on why the IRS targeting of conservatives is “the only unfair thing ever.”

May 24, 2013 / Leslie Savan

From Chicago to LA, Students Mass for Racial Justice

From Chicago to LA, Students Mass for Racial Justice From Chicago to LA, Students Mass for Racial Justice

As the spring semester ends and elected officials approach critical votes, students across the country are rising up to take back public education.

May 24, 2013 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s Precarious Legal Grounds for Targeted Killings

Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s Precarious Legal Grounds for Targeted Killings Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s Precarious Legal Grounds for Targeted Killings

Yesterday, Obama laid out the justification for killing US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki. But his reasoning had very little legal grounding at all. 

May 24, 2013 / Press Room

Global War on Terror, R.I.P.

Global War on Terror, R.I.P. Global War on Terror, R.I.P.

Obama’s transformative speech is already drawing howls outrage from the right.

May 24, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

This Week in Poverty: Homeowners Take the Foreclosure Fight to the DOJ

This Week in Poverty: Homeowners Take the Foreclosure Fight to the DOJ This Week in Poverty: Homeowners Take the Foreclosure Fight to the DOJ

When will the feds bring big banks to justice?

May 24, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

‘We Steal Secrets’: Filmmaker Alex Gibney Talks About Wikileaks

‘We Steal Secrets’: Filmmaker Alex Gibney Talks About Wikileaks ‘We Steal Secrets’: Filmmaker Alex Gibney Talks About Wikileaks

It’s a classic David and Goliath story—but who is the real David here?

May 24, 2013 / Jon Wiener

Campaign Alleges Retaliation Against Strikers in Federal Building

Campaign Alleges Retaliation Against Strikers in Federal Building Campaign Alleges Retaliation Against Strikers in Federal Building

Good Jobs Nation says that ten strikers from the Ronald Reagan Building food court were initially told they couldn’t come back to work.

May 23, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

How the Media Enabled US Drone Policy How the Media Enabled US Drone Policy

Eric on Tom Jones and what people are syaing about his book, and Reed on media and drones. 

May 23, 2013 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

Obama Rejects Perpetual War, but Questions Remain About Targeted Killings

Obama Rejects Perpetual War, but Questions Remain About Targeted Killings Obama Rejects Perpetual War, but Questions Remain About Targeted Killings

Until the president defines what “associated forces” are, the current formulation leaves open the possibility of unlimited, unending use of military force anywhere in t...

May 23, 2013 / John Sifton

Was the Assassination of Four US Citizens Legal?

Was the Assassination of Four US Citizens Legal? Was the Assassination of Four US Citizens Legal?

Obama discussed the targeted killing operation today, but will anything really change?

May 23, 2013 / Jeremy Scahill
