Reassuring the Right Reassuring the Right
Though her style is not dramatic, Harriet Miers is definitely enough of a fanatic to sit on the Bush Supreme Court.
Oct 13, 2005 / Column / Calvin Trillin
How to Lose an Election How to Lose an Election
A new report by Democratic strategists urges the party to aim toward the center. But what meaningful difference will that make?
Oct 13, 2005 / Jonathan Schell
Bono Meets Dr. Shock Bono Meets Dr. Shock
It's easy to scoff at a rock star like Bono pairing up with economist Jeffrey Sachs. But their tireless lobbying for debt relief for the poorest nations could make a real differenc...
Oct 13, 2005 / Doug Henwood
Scamming the States Scamming the States
Companies like Boeing, Dell and Daimler-Chrysler know how to extort tax cuts and subsidies from states eager to keep jobs from fleeing. But taxpayers, community groups and even a S...
Oct 13, 2005 / Greg LeRoy
Squeezing the Have-Nots Squeezing the Have-Nots
Fitful efforts to rebuild the Gulf Coast unfold against a backdrop of looming economic disaster: rising unemployment and interest rates, misplaced priorities and a recession that w...
Oct 13, 2005 / William Greider
Torture on the Hill Torture on the Hill
War crimes are the darkest expression of the moral degradation that permeates the White House. Bush's threat to veto the Senate's anti-torture measure frames a crisis of law and le...
Oct 13, 2005 / The Editors
Letter From the Philippines Letter From the Philippines
"People power" in the Philippines is running out of steam. The political system is corrupt, Washington is micro-managing the economy and civil society, cynicism is rampant. But a f...
Oct 12, 2005 / Feature / Walden Bello
Spreading the Dough Spreading the Dough
How can the left build a new majority? EMILY's List has a big piece of the answer.
Oct 12, 2005 / Feature / Ruth Conniff
Is the Terminator in Free-Fall? Is the Terminator in Free-Fall?
Once seen as the vehicle of hope and reform, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger looks increasingly like an oil-burning jalopy of politics-as-usual.
Oct 12, 2005 / Feature / Marc Cooper