Karen Hughes: Bush’s Spinner to the World Karen Hughes: Bush’s Spinner to the World
Have you been worrying about the image of the United States overseas? Have no fear, Karen Hughes is here. George W. Bush is nominating Hughes to be under se...
Mar 14, 2005 / David Corn
Sweet Victory: Yo Quiero Justice! Sweet Victory: Yo Quiero Justice!
On Tuesday, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers scored aprecedent-setting victory for America's beleaguered farm workers. After three years of a CIW-led boycott against Taco Bell,...
Mar 11, 2005 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
On the Secret ‘Rendition’ of Terror Suspects to Countries Known to Use Torture On the Secret ‘Rendition’ of Terror Suspects to Countries Known to Use Torture
As Jesus said to render unto Caesar A portion of thy grain or of thy stock, Our policy's to render unto Caesar In hopes that he'll apply electric shock.
Mar 10, 2005 / Column / Calvin Trillin
From the Publisher From the Publisher
Masthead watchers will note that with this issue I have dropped the editorial director half of my title. This change is recognition of a happy reality.
Mar 10, 2005 / The Nation
In the Park With Christo In the Park With Christo
From everywhere people flocked to New York City to experience the extraordinary installation in Central Park by the environmental artists Christo and his wife, Jeanne-Claude.
Mar 10, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Roberta Brandes Gratz and Stephen A. Goldsmith
Darfur and Development Darfur and Development
The recent United Nations Commission of Inquiry's report on Darfur may be right or wrong in claiming that the atrocities committed in the region do not amount to genocide.
Mar 10, 2005 / Fatin Abbas
Cedar or Sapling? Cedar or Sapling?
Ever since a massive bomb killed former prime minister Rafik Hariri on February 14, downtown Beirut has evolved into a solemn carnival, halfway between a wake and a rave.
Mar 10, 2005 / Annia Ciezadlo
Democracy’s Dilemmas Democracy’s Dilemmas
In what is being called the "cedar revolution," demonstrators in Beirut brought down the pro-Syrian government at the end of February and forced Damascus to announce the withdr...
Mar 10, 2005 / The Editors