Free-Speech Fights Free-Speech Fights
Rummaging through Yale University's library shelves in early 2001 to prepare a talk on news media and genocide, I came across a study of nineteenth-century Colorado newspapers by...
Feb 17, 2005 / Bruce Shapiro
Beyond Boycotts Beyond Boycotts
Absent George W. Bush's undergoing a conversion like St. Paul's on the road to Damascus, there probably won't be much good environmental news out of Washington in Bush's second t...
Feb 17, 2005 / Mark Hertsgaard
Tort ‘Reform’ Triumphs Tort ‘Reform’ Triumphs
Click here to read Zegart's October 25, 2004 Nation piece to read more on the right wing's drive for tort "reform."
Feb 17, 2005 / Dan Zegart
Rushed Rushed
Al Franken's decision not to run for the Senate is a loss for the people of Minnesota and the country, but at least he'll have more time for his very funny radio show and books. I...
Feb 17, 2005 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Lynne Stewart Trial The Lynne Stewart Trial
Click here for info on how you can help Lynne Stewart.
Feb 17, 2005 / David Cole
Shooting the Messenger Shooting the Messenger
Click here to read Christian Parenti's March 29, 2004 Nation article on the abuse of Arab journalists by the US military in Iraq.
Feb 17, 2005 / Jeremy Scahill
Mideast Mirage? Mideast Mirage?
Four and a half years after the outbreak of the second intifada, Israel and the Palestinian Authority have signed a cease-fire agreement in Sharm el Sheik, and the peace process ...
Feb 17, 2005 / The Editors
Condoleezza Rice Condoleezza Rice
Condoleezza Rice, who is cold as ice, is precise with her advice. Yes, she is quite precise, and, yes, she's cold as ice.
Feb 17, 2005 / Column / Calvin Trillin
What We Don’t Know About 9/11 Hurts Us What We Don’t Know About 9/11 Hurts Us
Would George W. Bush have been re-elected President if the public understood how much responsibility his Administration bears for allowing the 9/11 attacks to succeed?
Feb 16, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
V-Day 2005 V-Day 2005
Over the past seven years, V-Day, the global movement started by playwright/performer Eve Ensler, has raised more than $25 million to support organizations working to stop violenc...
Feb 16, 2005 / Peter Rothberg