Nation Notes Nation Notes
The Nation Institute is pleased to announce the first Alfred A. Knobler Journalism Fellow.
Oct 28, 2004 / The Editors
Nader’s Flawed Calculus Nader’s Flawed Calculus
From the start of his independent campaign for the presidency early this year, Ralph Nader constantly argued that he would draw as many or more votes from Republican George W.
Oct 28, 2004 / John Nichols
Taking Liberties Taking Liberties
As I write, several days before the election, Congress's last-minute effort to enact the 9/11 Commission's recommendations appears to have stalled, largely because of disagreemen...
Oct 28, 2004 / David Cole
Antifeminists Hit Iraq Antifeminists Hit Iraq
As the right wing's antifeminist front, the sisters of the Independent Women's Forum have been such a hit in this country that they're now getting taxpayer money to take their ac...
Oct 28, 2004 / Laura Flanders and Laura Ross
Iraq’s Civilian Casualties Iraq’s Civilian Casualties
The civilians of Falluja are negotiating to stave off a threatened US-led military incursion.
Oct 28, 2004 / Jefferson Morley
Fix the Electoral System Fix the Electoral System
Before most votes were cast in the November 2 presidential election, and before any of them were counted, tens of millions of Americans worried about whether the nation's patchwo...
Oct 28, 2004 / The Editors
Women Really on Their Own Women Really on Their Own
How a crucial voting bloc was all but ignored.
Oct 28, 2004 / Feature / Ruth Rosen
Vote for Kerry on the WFP Line Vote for Kerry on the WFP Line
If you live in the non-swing state of New York, I urge you to vote for John Kerry on the Working Families Party line (Row E). This is the most powerful way for New Yorkers to cas...
Oct 27, 2004 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Children of Privilege Children of Privilege
George W. Bush and I have one thing in common: Our father's friends did us favors--and came to regret it.
Oct 27, 2004 / Feature / Meredith Michaels