The Anti-Warrior The Anti-Warrior
Christianity in this country has become almost synonymous with right-wing fanaticism, conservative politics and--courtesy of Mel Gibson--a brutally sadistic version of religious ...
Jun 24, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Dan Wakefield

The Searcher The Searcher
In 1965, nearly forty years before the publication of Where I Was From, her most recent and most sustained meditation on her native state of California, Joan Didion wrote “John Way...
Jun 24, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Hilton Als
Minimum Security Minimum Security
Seeing the limits of living-wage laws, activists seek a raise for all workers.
Jun 24, 2004 / Feature / Bobbi Murray
The Jewish Divide on Israel The Jewish Divide on Israel
A growing grassroots movement has challenged the artificial AIPAC consensus.
Jun 24, 2004 / Feature / Esther Kaplan
Full of Beans in Boston Full of Beans in Boston
During the 2000 election, many activists saw little difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Jun 24, 2004 / Feature / Michael Blanding
The Fine Art of Bush-Bashing The Fine Art of Bush-Bashing
While New York City authorities and anti-GOP organizers square off over the right to rally, cultural activists are taking matters into their own hands.
Jun 24, 2004 / Feature / Liza Featherstone
Will the Senate Tip? Will the Senate Tip?
The Democratic Party is poised to regain the majority.
Jun 24, 2004 / Feature / John Nichols
Shameless in Iraq Shameless in Iraq
EMENDATION: Naomi Klein reported in her July 12 "Lookout" column that Aegis CEO Tim Spicer helped put down rebels and stage a military coup in Papua New Guinea. Actually, although...
Jun 24, 2004 / Column / Naomi Klein
Unnatural Acts Unnatural Acts
By now, it has become something of a media cliché to watch "fringe" protesters jumping up and down from the edges of G-8 conferences held at ever more remote locations.
Jun 24, 2004 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Venezuela: The Gang’s All Here! Venezuela: The Gang’s All Here!
You can set your watch by it.
Jun 24, 2004 / Column / Alexander Cockburn