Nation Notes Nation Notes
The Nation has a new look to go with our rising circulation. Avenging Angels, an advertising firm that works for progressive causes and that is responsible for our "celebrity r...
Sep 11, 2003 / The Editors
Children Left Behind Children Left Behind
In his State of the Union speech this past January, President Bush appeared to make a compassionate gesture toward children with incarcerated parents when he proposed an initia...
Sep 11, 2003 / Chesa Boudin
Why Estrada Went Down Why Estrada Went Down
A few hours after Miguel Estrada withdrew his name for a judgeship on the Court of Appeals for the Washington, DC, Circuit, a leading Senate liberal was asked about the meaning...
Sep 11, 2003 / Jack Newfield
Bush’s Unreality Show Bush’s Unreality Show
Competing in prime time with a docudrama celebrating his heroics after the attacks of September 11, 2001, George W.
Sep 11, 2003 / The Editors
Dirty Tricks in the War on Terror? Dirty Tricks in the War on Terror?
The rising death toll in Iraq, Israel and Palestine has kept media coverage of the War on Terror focused squarely on the Middle East. Lost in this reporting are serious allegati...
Sep 11, 2003 / Peter Rothberg
American Rebels and You… American Rebels and You…
We received much mail on "American Rebels," our Independence Day issue from the forthcoming Nation Books release edited by Jack Newfield [
Sep 10, 2003 / Our Readers
Two-Bullet Roulette Two-Bullet Roulette
American nuclear power plants are in serious danger from an easily fixable problem.
Sep 10, 2003 / Feature / Matt Bivens
Dean, Healthcare and Medical Marijuana Dean, Healthcare and Medical Marijuana
Dr. Marc regularly answers readers' questions on matters relating to medicine, healthcare and politics. To send a query, click here.
Sep 9, 2003 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
Bush Must Admit the Error of His Ways Bush Must Admit the Error of His Ways
Or at least change his cockamamie foreign policies.
Sep 9, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
What Are They Reading? What Are They Reading?
I'd like to say that I came across the poet Agha Shahid Ali of my own accord, browsing through the shelves of a bookshop or library and taking immediately to his finely structure...
Sep 8, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Priyanka Motaparthy