
France: The Film Vote France: The Film Vote

Politics were never far from anyone's mind at this year's fifty-fifth Cannes International Film Festival, which unfolded in a France still reeling from the shock of far-right cand...

Jun 13, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Leslie Camhi

Affirmative Action Reaction Affirmative Action Reaction

Affirmative action, while generally a good and necessary thing, has always been more complicated than its supporters admit. It inspires a backlash; it often promotes people who...

Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman

The Shame of Prison Health The Shame of Prison Health

Just-released inmates with infectious diseases need continuous treatment.

Jun 13, 2002 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

Arafat, by Feeding on Martyrdom, Dooms His People Arafat, by Feeding on Martyrdom, Dooms His People

Yasser Arafat should step aside.

Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer

Letter From London Letter From London

A specter is haunting the Jews of Europe: the specter of anti-Semitism. A synagogue is firebombed in Belgium; three more are burned in France, where Jean-Marie Le Pen's National F...

Jun 13, 2002 / D.D. Guttenplan

The Arms Lobby The Arms Lobby

William D. Hartung is the author of "About Face," a World Policy Institute report on the role of the arms lobby in shaping the Bush nuclear doctrine. Click here.

Jun 13, 2002 / Feature / William D. Hartung

Department of Earth Security Department of Earth Security

The EPA cites chapter, and some verse, To show this warming's making matters worse. It's getting worse no matter how you score it. So here's the plan: They think we should ign...

Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Terrorism as Normalcy Terrorism as Normalcy

Gangbangers with dirty bombs! Now we're talking. The big news about the latest suspected terror bomber is not that he now calls himself Al Muhajir but that he was formerly Jos&...

Jun 13, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Classroom Consciousness Classroom Consciousness

In mid-December, 2,500 teenagers walked out of their Philadelphia public high school classrooms and into the city's intersections.

Jun 10, 2002 / Feature / Alissa Quart

Bush’s New Dept.: Rushing for Security or Politics? Bush’s New Dept.: Rushing for Security or Politics?

After September 11, the President of the United States told budget director Mitch Daniels there would be three conditions under which a deficit would be acc...

Jun 10, 2002 / David Corn
