Long Live the Estate Tax! Long Live the Estate Tax!
There is a stunning disconnect between the terrible budget shortfalls facing states and localities and the priorities of federal tax-cutters. States face budget deficits of mor...
Jan 9, 2003 / Bill Gates Sr. and Chuck Collins
Memo to the Democrats Memo to the Democrats
If Congressional Democrats want to be more than George W.
Jan 9, 2003 / John Nichols
Axis of Incoherence Axis of Incoherence
Axis of Incoherence The burgeoning Far East crisis has exposed the bankruptcy of US Korea policy.
Jan 9, 2003 / The Editors
The Question of North Korea The Question of North Korea
Korea has the bomb, but not to worry. It's not a crisis. No, we needn't hurry To get inspections back. Why try to spot The weapons they already say they've got?
Jan 8, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin
What Are They Reading? What Are They Reading?
I first read Samuel Delany's Tales of Nevèrÿon during the high-geek days of junior high.
Jan 8, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Richard Kim
Hey, People: War Is No Game Hey, People: War Is No Game
As an unabashed, nail-biting Oakland Raiders fanatic who sits in the nose-bleed seats and who just bought my grandson pajamas and a dishware set emblazoned with the team's infamo...
Jan 7, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
They’re Off! Here Come the Candidates They’re Off! Here Come the Candidates
Like birds on a wire, Democratic presidential wannabes are flapping their wings and leaving the perch at the same time. Or are they more akin to lemmings? N...
Jan 6, 2003 / David Corn
The Fight for the Future of Music The Fight for the Future of Music
America stands on the cusp of a sweeping set of shifts in federal media ownership rules that could dramatically alter the nature of what we see, hear and read, warns Federal Commi...
Jan 6, 2003 / John Nichols