
A Noodler’s Chicken Soup A Noodler’s Chicken Soup

On self-help books.

Feb 23, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Julia M. Klein

Bush’s Nuclear Revival Bush’s Nuclear Revival

George W. Bush's mid-February directive ordering the Pentagon to review and restructure the US nuclear arsenal is a wake-up call for supporters of arms control and disarmament....

Feb 23, 2001 / William D. Hartung

Nader and the Politics of Fear Nader and the Politics of Fear

He and the Greens are both a problem and a possible asset for the Democrats.

Feb 23, 2001 / Feature / William Greider

Murdoch’s Fox News Murdoch’s Fox News

They distort. They decide.

Feb 23, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Daphne Eviatar

Confronting Iraq Confronting Iraq

George W. Bush's description of the US-British bombing of Iraq as a "routine mission" unwittingly summed up the mechanical nature of the US-British air operations in Iraq, which...

Feb 23, 2001 / The Editors

Right With Bush Right With Bush

Every conservative is now a compassionate conservative. Well, most were at the recent annual Conservative Political Action Conference, which drew more than 3,000 right-wing acti...

Feb 23, 2001 / David Corn

Hate Versus Death Hate Versus Death

Almost every week, it seems, we get to read about some state execution, performed or imminent, wreathed in the usual toxic fog of race or sex prejudice, or incompetency of ...

Feb 23, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Race: the Continental Divide Race: the Continental Divide

The first moments of a recent documentary about Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Rebels With a Cause, recall one of the signal images of the 1960s civil rights struggle: p...

Feb 23, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Stanley Aronowitz

Unreality Television Unreality Television

The network honchos called by Louisiana Representative Billy Tauzin and the House Energy and Commerce Committee to testify on the election night debacle were a decidedly un...

Feb 23, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman

Fields of Thorns in Palestine Fields of Thorns in Palestine

The Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and Gaza Strip began in late September 2000 as a wave of popular protest against Ariel Sharon’s belligerent incursion into Jerusalem’s sac...

Feb 22, 2001 / Feature / Mouin Rabbani
