
Ridge on the Ledge Ridge on the Ledge

Will the Homeland Security chief be an effective overseer or another spinner?

Nov 1, 2001 / Feature / David Corn

Scoundrel Time Scoundrel Time

President Bush is using his popularity in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks to push through some deeply partisan legislation.

Nov 1, 2001 / Robert L. Borosage

The Thin Blue Line The Thin Blue Line

A review of Training Day, a film by Antoine Fuqua, starring Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke.

Nov 1, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Tim Appelo

Security With Liberty: A Forum Security With Liberty: A Forum

On October 26, President Bush signed into law an antiterrorism package dismantling many privacy protections that Americans had long taken for granted.

Nov 1, 2001 / Feature / Amy Bach

Uzbekistan’s Human Rights Problem Uzbekistan’s Human Rights Problem

TASHKENT--In the markets, on the streets, even in the privacy of their homes or cars, the people of Uzbekistan are sphinxlike. They think things are going...well, as best as could...

Oct 30, 2001 / Feature / Matt Bivens

With Powers Like These, Can Repression Be Far Behind? With Powers Like These, Can Repression Be Far Behind?

Swept away by the fury of their impotence, huddled in temporary congressional offices, unable to capture anyone responsible for the terrorist assault on the United States, Congress...

Oct 30, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer

FOIA Request FOIA Request

  Click here for background and other related information on the attempt to gain information on the more than 800 people detained by US authorities since September 11.

Oct 29, 2001 / Feature / The Nation

Letters Letters

MUDDLED NATION New York City On October 11, an alliance of Latinos, blacks and union members came close to a historic victory in New York. Alas, media rang...

Oct 25, 2001 / Our Readers

Homeland Insecurity Homeland Insecurity

It is hard to write a column like this under the present circumstances. It is hard to comment on what is happening in the world if the military regulates everything. And yet it i...

Oct 25, 2001 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

US Bows to Turkey US Bows to Turkey

Alongside the White House and the Capitol building on the alleged terrorist hit list for September 11 was another, little-noticed target: Incirlik, a US airbase in southern Turkey...

Oct 25, 2001 / Ian Urbina
